Dr3 - Ultimate

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Rantaro Amani

Ultimate Lapidary

You always loved watching documentaries on TV. Not ones about to sea or things like that but ones where they explore a cave. They see people at work, finding all kinds of different rocks and crystals. They were so pretty. In the end they shown what they became. You wanted to do that. You knew, you could do that.

So you did. You grew up and became an apprentice. You put your heart and sole into learning. Your teacher also explained where they came from and their backstory. You loved the experience.

Kokichi Oma

Ultimate Royalty

Royalty. You were the next in line for the throne but were too young yet to become King/Queen/royal You knew everything there was to being who you were. You were the eldest so of course you had to. You were saw as perfect, and you were. You were in charge of bringing up your sister to be a princess.

It was weird for you. To be seen as an icon. You had people from everywhere bowing to you and you always restrained them from doing so. Always telling them, nicely, to stand up. Everyone always treated you like an object. as in, how they're supposed to but you didn't want that. You wanted to be treated like an ordinary person.

K1-B0 (Kee-Bo)

Ultimate Mechanic

You've always been good at fixing things. You started off with small toys. Like, cars that your sister broke and dolls that your brother broke. Eventually, you ended up fiddling with electronics and got them to work. You were fixing everything in the family home by thirteen. You were the best in the little village you lived in and went around fixing small things for them.

By sixteen, you could fix about anything and would fix them easily. With no problem at all. Everything you did, you wouldn't leave until you knew it was fully stable. You didn't want anyone to get hurt even with your 'don't care' attitude.

Gonta Gokuhara

Ultimate Humanitarian

The small acts always made you happy. From helping someone getting bullied, to giving a homeless person some change. From a young age, you always liked helping people. To know that they're okay and healthy. You cared so much that you never put yourself first.

It got you and your parents into a lot of arguments. They wanted you to focus on yourself while you knew that other people in the world needed you. You wanted to help them. You wanted to make them happy and be able to live a stable life as much as they could help.

Shuichi Saihara

Ultimate Thief

You grew up poor. Your parents died and you hated the orphanage you lived in so you ran away and lived on the streets. Pick pocketing and stealing was the only way for you to survive. There was no way you were gonna beg for anything. The best part was, with a small bit of practice, you never got caught.

People would feel sorry for you when the pass the street, so you got money that way from kind people. You made sure to remember their faces so you didn't steal from them by mistake.

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