Dr1 - Meeting/Talking

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Makoto Naegi

Makoto was sitting in the cafeteria. He wasn't alone, he was with all of his friends. Well, the boys. The girls sat at another table together. They all began talking about love. How they got on the topic, Makoto didn't know but then they started having some sort of competition on who has the best partner. Makoto quietly excused himself as the bell went. The others finishing their food before the second bell.

A lot of people were already on their way to lesson although Makoto wasn't really paying attention.  This caused a bit of an accident. He was kinda upset that everyone had one and he didn't. Maybe he was a little bit jealous but who wouldn't be.

Before he could realise where he was, he walked into someone. It brought him out of his thoughts immediately. He saw you in front of him with a shocked expression. "I am so sorry!" He apologized. You let out a sigh of annoyance but said that it was fine as you got down on your knees to tidy up. He began helping you. "Here." He handed you your books that he made you drop. You gave him a soft smile. "Thanks." "No problem." You left to go to class and he watched you walk away. He was wondering how he never saw you around before then saw you go into the reserve course class. 'That's why.'

Buyakuya Togami

Your father had a business deal with the Togami family so he brought you along. You were working to take over the family business. You have been since a young age. Not because of force but  because you asked to. You wanted to have that title.

You learnt everything you possibly you could've about to Togami, even possibly things you shouldn't of.

Your father and yourself walked through the front door of the Togami house hold. You got shown to the dining room and sat down with a man, his wife and his son. His son was kinda cute but you didn't like that smirk of his. You sat where guided.

Leon Kawata

"Sayaka, I want to be a musician." Leon stated as if he was some sort of actor. His voice was loud and his smile was bright. Sayaka let out a little giggle. "Can you even play an instrument?" He went to say that he could but paused. "Don't worry, My friend (Y/n) is the ultimate musician. They could teach you everything you need to know." Leon's eyes widened. "Where are they?" Sayaka shrugged. "They're very secretive and shy but they'll be in the music room after school." Leon instantly started running to his next class, thinking that would make the day go by any faster. "Tell them I sent you!" Leon raised a thumb as he ran which caused Sayaka to laugh to herself.

After school came slower than he wanted. At least he had no homework, for once. He peaked into the window and saw you with a violin beneath your chin. The music only just coming through the door. The concentration on your face was stern although your touch was soft. It wasn't long before you saw him through the door and placed the violin on the floor. Your nerves were very see-able which Leon thought was kinda cute.   

You opened up the door slightly as if you were trying to hide something. "Hi." You said quietly. "Hi, my name is Leon Kawata. Are you (Y/n)?" You nodded. "Sayaka sent me here to learn how to be a musician." An eyebrow raised at Sayaka being mentioned. You opened the door  wider and allowed him to step inside. "What song were you playing?" "I made it up." Leon smirled at you."It sounded really good. I guess that's what you should expect from the Ultimate Musician." You picked up the violin and placed it back on the stand.

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