Chapter 12

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Azazel had gotten the rough coordinates of where his ward was. So when Tom shook him out of his trance, he nodded to him and started to draw out a map of where Harry was. It was a large family home, protected by a powerful cloaking charm. It was dark and dreary looking, seeped in dark demon magic. It was clear that this house belonged to one of the families that bred with high ranking demons, maybe even masters or lords. Who knew?

The fact that the building was 'hidden' didn't affect him, since he was able to forcibly reveal it because of his demon magic. This shouldn't normally work, but the house had demon magic ingrained into the very structure of the house, so as a demon, he could very easily override the spell as it would never fully set. 

Azazel willed his demon magic forward, allowing it to reveal the house, to Tom and some of his most trusted death eaters; Bellatrix, Barty, Lucius, Rabastian and Rodolphus. He sensed around ten people in the house, "There are at least five children in the house, two people should guard them, the rest should probably take on the adults.." He gave his opinion, Tom ducked his head in response, turning to his death eaters. "Lucius, Rodolphus stun the children, Someone will realis sooner or later, then make your way to help fight the adults." They nodded, and wands slipped into their hands. 

Thankfully Lucius didn't bring the cane, it made him look far too noticeable. Azazel held a smokey hand up, stopping any talking, he sensed more magical signatures had arrived. "There are now twelve people in the house, two adults just arrived," Tom swore before giving more orders, fight and don't get hit. Great advice.

The group approached the house, before barging in like the police force coming to search your house, Lucius and Rodolphus headed up to the second floor, while Azazel and Tom headed to the third, where they were met with a ginger-haired Lily Potter and a tired-looking James Potter; Harry's supposed parents. 

They were leaning over the blank looking teen with horns and a tail wrapped closely around one of his legs. Azazel stopped, the parents were cooing over Harry, like he was a mindless newborn. 

Tom wasn't surprised to find them here. They had another child, Harry's twin sister Heidi. Who many believed was the girl who lived. Though she died when she was nine, childhood cancer was the cause. 

Azazel used his powers to freeze and snap the cuffs on Harry's hands, they had some sort of magic dampener on them, Harry looked right through his 'parents' to Azazel and grinned, black smoke erupted from his hands, and the child disappeared, reappearing behind his demon mentor. Azazel looked behind him, Tom was in a very violent fight with Dumbledore, Azazel turned to the parents.

They stared the demon down making direct eye contact with him, "Give us back our child!" James shouted at the monster. Azazel looked at Harry out of the corner of his eye, the child moved his hair out of the way of his right eye, showing the blood-red colour. 

They screamed and Azazel let a ghost of a bloodthirsty grin take over his face before he took away their oxygen. Effectively choking them till they passed out. Azazel looked back at Harry who just hugged him, he sighed and wrapped an arm around him. 

Tom was finished with Dumbledore, the man was out of breath and holding up a good shield, so Tom couldn't finish him, it was disappointing, but he would deal with that later. 

Azazel looked back at Harry, the teenager held himself proudly, but Azazel could see through the facade. The Druid needed to build his confidence, and the only place he could properly do that would be the demon world. He wouldn't think about that now. 

The death eaters were finished with their respected fights, except Snape was passed out on the floor, and Rabastian was the first to speak. "Snape was the one who kidnapped Harry."

Tom's face scrunched into a scowl, "bring him with us and throw him in the dungeon." 

Rabastian nodded, and they all apparated with the Harry and traitor in possession.


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