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This is an anti-stalking story when Ratchet become friends with Billy who has an obsessive man crush on him because of Ratchet's handsomeness and his sexy body. His loved ones are suspicious about Billy having a crush on Ratchet in an obsessive way, Ratchet was unaware about Billy's intentions and feelings for him.

January is National Stalking Awareness month.

Ratchet and Billy are having a conversation, while working in a mechanic shop together.

"Hey, Ratchet. Hey, Clank." said Talwyn as she, Kit, and Rivet come by after girls' hang out.

"Hey, girls." said Ratchet as he and Talwyn hugged, much to Billy's jealousy towards Talwyn.

"How's the girls hang out?" said Clank.

"It was great." said Rivet.

"How's the mechanic over there?" said Kit.

"This is our new friend, Billy. He's a good lombax in a same height as I am. We've been friends in the last 3 weeks ago. He helped me with tools that had fallen off the box. Billy, this is my girlfriend Talwyn, my other friends: Rivet and Kit." said Ratchet. "Please to meet you, Billy." said Talwyn as she and the girls greet Billy.

"You too, girls." said Billy, hiding his envy towards Talwyn, acting strange. "Are you OK?" Said Rivet, confused. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine." said Billy, pretending there's nothing bad.

Clank, Talwyn and Kit becomes suspicious of Billy's behavior.

"Are you sure?" said Rivet. "Yeah, honestly. Oh, Ratchet, can I help you with the bottom area of the airship?" said Billy as he goes to help Ratchet repair, with his hand touching his back, almost his backside before repairing with two hands. "Of course." said Ratchet.

Talwyn saw Billy touched Ratchet's lower back, she suspects something is wrong with Billy.

"Guys, I saw Billy touching Ratchet. He almost touched him in the butt before fixing the airship with two hands." whispered Talwyn, talking to others outside in private. "You're suspicious, too?" said Rivet. "Yep." said Talwyn. "I saw that Billy's acting strange towards us. I didn't know what's going on until I became suspicious." said Rivet. "We all became suspicious, too." I believe Billy is into Ratchet." said Kit.

"Indeed, I can tell that he talks to Ratchet the most, not us that much." said Clank.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" said Skidd as he and Phantom arrived.

It's about Ratchet's new best friend, Billy." said Rivet.

"Billy Water." said Clank, saying Billy's full name.

"Oh, I know him. 3 months ago, He was friends with my cousin Blue, he was obsessed with her, too. They were best friends fast, even though she has a boyfriend. My future cousin in law, Max noticed something wrong with Billy's head, too. Billy was looking into her soul, wanting the relationship between her and Max to end so that he can be with her. But she ended friendship with him quickly. Billy was upset, but he snaps out of anger and obsession. He stalked her and her boyfriend wherever they went, until he goes to her place to stalk her when she was alone. Blue called her boyfriend and then the 911 went out of her place, but she was pushed by something or someone and she fell into the water." said Skidd.

"Did she still make it to safety?" said Clank.

"Well, the cops found her in the water. They saved her by doing CPR, but she got put into a coma. Her boyfriend Max always knew that her life was so much in danger, the police are still looking for that stalker to this day." said Skidd.

"Oh my god." said Rivet, shocked.

"Oh dear." said Clank, realizing that Ratchet's life could be in danger soon.

"And then Billy asked Ratchet to be his friend..." said Talwyn, becoming worried.

"My cousin Blue is still fighting for her life in the hospital, her faithful boyfriend is still by her side. They said that she was injured in the head when she bumped her head hard into a large log after being pushed." said Skidd.

Ratchet's loved ones feared that something could happen to Ratchet sooner.

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