Connors Pov

I opened the door for Troye and thoughts started rushing through my mind. I was definitely scared of what was going to happen. As I was daydreaming, Troye made his way over and flopped right on the couch I had just perfectly made!
"I literally just made the couch!" I complained as I sat next to his lazy bum.
"That's why it's so comfy!" he smirked at me, and I playfully rolled my eyes.
"Well the pizza should be here soon, and there's snacks on the coffee table if you're hungy," I smirked as I used the word he had made up himself.
"Hey, Hungy is my word!" He pouted.
"I learn from the best I guess," I laughed.
I could tell from here, it was going to be a great night!

(Skip a little forward)
(Still Connors Pov)

Troye and I had almost finished up the whole pizza and we were completely stuffed! I decided that we could then watch one of the three movies I had picked out.
"Hey Troye?" I yelled towards the bathroom.
"Ya..?" He replied, walking to the couch.
"Whoops, I didn't notice that you were right there! Anyways, what movie would you like to watch?" I asked as I handed him the three movies.
"Really Connah, I'm not sure that I wanna watch me make out with girls!" Troye said sassily.
"Well, I guess that leaves us with Juno doesn't it?" I asked with a chuckle
"Yup!" He replied, popping the P.

"Troye you're supposed to be watching Juno, and not on your phone!" I pouted. We were in the middle of the movie and I was sure he hadn't seen any of it.
"Just keeping up with my twitter peeps, that's all" he said, smiling.
Throughout the movie I just kept glancing at Troye, and at one point I turned to him and he looked away smiling, that's when I decided to get up and leave because I could already feel my cheeks burning up! He knew I kept staring at him, he had to have known!

Troyes Pov

Throughout the whole movie Connor kept glancing at me (probably because of my beauty...kidding) and I caught him every time, little did he know that I kept doing the same thing! There was only one time that Connor caught me glancing, and when he did he looked away so fast and basically ran out of the room. I decided to follow him and see what he was up to.

Connors Pov

I needed to just get to my room, thankfully I had my vlogging camera in my room, though I don't remember putting it in there, weird!
"Well guys, I'm back, and still, umm, single..." I whispered the last part to myself.
"I don't know if I can do it, but I swear he saw me staring at him and I saw him star.."
"Connah, are you in there?" He called through my door.
"Umm, yes..?" I said, kind of like a question.
"Are you okay?" He asked in his sweet sensitive voice.
"Yea, umm, I just needed my phone charger." I quickly saved myself, as I opened the door.
"Who were you talking to? And why do you have your blogging camera?" He asked curiously.
"Just trying to keep up with my second channel I guess." I replied, shrugging my shoulders and walking out of my room.
"Connah?" Troye asked as I pass him.
"Yes?" I replied to his beautiful accent.
"Don't you need your charger?" He questioned me In a confused voice.
"Thanks for reminding my Troye boy!" I replied to him.
That was a close one!!
"Now let's watch the rest of the movie, shall we?" I asked him.
"Connah" he said giggling a bit.
"The movies over, you would have known, but you 'needed your charger'." He says sarcastically.
"Fine, then how about tumblr time?" I ask with a gentle smile.

Troyes Pov

Connors acting so weird.
When we got back to the living room area, we both flopped back into the couch and I can't help wondering what he was doing with that blogging camera!
(Half an hour later)
As I was scrolling through my feed, (mostly porn but I decided to skip it) I went to click a button and it went to the very top. (Which is the most annoying thing because I was so far down.) I saw what Connor had reblogged, something along the lines of, 'I wish I could just tell you how I felt'.
"Connah?" I quietly said, ruining the gentle silence.
"Ya?" he mumbled, still focused on his laptop.
"Do you have anything you want to say?" I asked in the most gentle way possible, not wanting to hurt him.
"What do mean?" His eyes shot up from his laptop as I asked him the question.
"Well, people usually Reblog what they feel...and you just Reblogged something, that said you wish you could tell someone something, and I just want you to know that I'm here for you if you need to talk!" I said quickly, not wanting to Intrude on anything.
"Well there is this one thing..." he said a bit shyly.
"I'm here to listen when you're ready." I said hopefully, staring into those perfect green eyes that I wish I could stare into forever.

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