My light

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Troyes Pov

"Connah, can you also bring the Nutella when you come back?" I holler from the couch
"You have two legs and a heart beat you know!" He says looking around the corner from the kitchen
"nope they have seem to be all numb, and won't allow me to walk without falling over" I reply to his comment
"Sivan you're one lazy sh*t, you know that" he states
"Yup I know" I say popping the P "but will you? Please?" I say with an innocent voice.
"Yes, fine." he sighs

Connor came back in with a jar if Nutella and two spoons. I thought HES was gonna sit down but he went back to the kitchen, and comes back with two mugs full of hot chocolate.
"Thanks Connie Frannie, you are da bestest you know that!" I say
"Not until now of course" he replies with a smirk

Connors Pov

Troye and I are watching documentary on some sugar thing, but I'm actually very intrigued with it, it's so interesting, but it's almost disgusting how much surface s human can eat in a day. I can tell you that I won't be eating stuff with that much sugar in it now. every time I'm not watching the tv I'm either getting Nutella or staring at Troye, but I mean, I have the right. he is my boyfriend, but I don't really like calling Troye my boyfriend, I'd rather call him my best friend.
"Conconconconconconconcon" Troye said my name repeatedly
"Yes, sorry I was zoning out" I say
"Ya I know, I was saying your name for about 5 minutes" he giggles
"Whoops! Why?" I ask
"I forget now, I got to caught up in saying your name I actually forgot what I was gonna say" he laughs after his comment
"Okay, wait what happened to the documentary?" I say while looking at the other documentaries on netflix
"That's what I was gonna tell you" he laughs
"Since it's over, wanna cuddle" I ask politely
"Not particularly" he replied
"Wow okay rude" I comment
"Yeaaaaaa, I'm kidding" he says while carrying the A
"Okay" as I move up to cuddle him

It's been about ten minutes and Troye and I are just Latin on the couch, with pure silence, the comfortable kind if course, as I start to drift asleep.

Troyes Pov

Con fell asleep about 3 minutes ago and I've been trying to think of a way to tell him what I how I've been feeling lately.
"Con" I whisper
"Hmm" he hums
"I need to tell you something..." I say quietly, as I feel his heart rate speed up "Con don't worry I'm not planning on leaving you" I say as he releases a sigh of relief
"Okay go in then" he says with a gentle smile, the one that makes my heart feel safe and best slower because I know that everyday I'm falling more in love with him, and the deeper I get the more I feel a lot safer.
"Well I have been very stressed for awhile, if you have notice and if you haven't I don't know how you can't, but I am very, like, I don't know how to say it" I explain slowly
"It's okay tro, if you aren't ready to tell me you don't have to, just know that I'm here, okay?" He says sweetly
"Well that's the thing, I've basically told everyone but you, and I know that's horrible because you're like my soulmate and they are just people I care about. But you know what they say, the ones you care for the most are the hardest to tell" I start to ramble
"But anyways, I'm depressed, and I know everyone says 'you'll be okay, things will get better' but the only thing making me better is you, you are the light at the end of my tunnel that I'm trying to reach, you are the best to my heart, you're bear to my hug, you are the only thing that isn't making me think all these thoughts in my head, you are the thing keeping me alive, and without you I feel so lost and I don't feel safe. Con, you are my light, you are guiding me to a better life, and I want to thank you for that. For keeping me safe and happy instead of scared and suicidal." I say catching my breath
"I have been depressed for about four years, and I went through a year and a half without you in my life, and thank god I found you, or else I wouldn't have Ben here in our arms. I would have probably been in an ocean, not breathing" I decided to stop because all I could feel was the tears running down my face
"Troye-" he tried to say something but I had cut him off
"I'm not done... So I think it was about 3 days before I had met you, I was supposed to catch a plane for VidCon, and I made a small trip to the beach. It wasn't the best day in Perth but, I guess I just didn't want to hurt anymore, so I started to walk towards the water to, you know, end my life. I never got to because I got scared, and I was thinking about all of the people I would be hurting, or how I would get to live my life. I thought about my family, how the would react, my fans how they would be devastated, my friends and how they would be upset, but I thought about what would happen if I lived until VidCon was over, because I would get to meet all of my beautiful fans/supporters, and I would get to see them smile. And that made me stop and think, I don't have that bad of life, but the voices in my head are saying that I do, and then I met you." I say basically crying my eyes out
"Troye" he's says pulling me closer to him
"Don't you ever think you're alone, you're a beautiful sunshine to so many people. You have helped so many people, but, you're my light at the end of my tunnel too! Thank you troyesivan18" he says hugging me as gentle has he could. As I was hugging him I couldn't stop the smile forming on my face. Connors started to pull away, but my smile didn't disappear.
"Hey, you've got something on your face" he blurts out
"What is it" I say giggling
"A smile that I need to kiss" he replies
"Oh no, please, show me how to get it off my face" I beg him sarcastically
"Your wish is my command" he says while leaning in. As he presses his lips into mine, ever so delicately, I feel warmth and safeness. People say that when the person you love does something affectionate, your heart beats so fast it will pop out of your chest, but when he does it, my heart slows down because I know he's there and he always will be, to keep me safe, to make me happy, to make me laugh, and smile. He will take care of me, and soon all my sadness will be gone, but I know that I will be happy, as long as I'm with the person who will always make me feel safe in their arms.

Hey guys, sorry for taking forever with another one shot, this is just a filler though so you're welcome... Also I didn't edit this so there's probably a lot of mistakes in it

In trying to her my other one shot done but I'm having trouble writing it down, even though it's all in my head, so maybe just bear with me ahha


Later gators(:

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