Chapter 7

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3rd Person POV

Oh no. Big oh no. Even Wei Wuxian was slightly embarrassed at the claim and Wei Ying had famously thick skin so he couldn't imagine what was going on in Lan Zhan's head. Pretty immediately, Lan Qiren fainted which wasn't that surprising to be honest. Many in his position would probably do the same. 

Whilst the elder was hastily carried away by Jin clan disciples, Wei Ying hastily back tracked and clarified. He could remember where A-Yuan must have picked that up from: he recalled when they were eating in the inn with Lan Zhan and he made a comment about children being loyal to father's who spent money on them. (A/N can't remember the exact quote.) And before that when the townspeople had assumed A-Yuan was Lan Zhan's child. It was an honest mistake from the child but unfortunately, the honest mistake had occurred in the wrong time or place.

He quickly grabbed A-Yuan off of Lan Zhan's lap whispering a sincere apology and telling A-Yuan that he would see the other later. Then he addressed the room, a few particular glares standing out to him, namely the angry eyes of his brother and the surprised but not entirely unhappy gaze of Lan Xichen. He did feel bad for in a (very bad) way stealing the show from Yanli's son.

"Hehe... umm, I am very sorry Lan Zhan. I hope your Uncle is alright. Actually, A-Yuan's parents are dead so i took him in and raised him but unfortunately he must just be a bit confused. Actually, one time we met Lan Zhan - Hanguangjun - accidentally whilst shopping and A-Yuan got a bit attached. I am sorry for the inconvenience and I hope no one will dare try to defame Hanguangjun with malicious rumours." 

While his tone appeared fairly light and happy, everyone in attendance could hear the hidden threats. Finally, he took his seat which happened to be at the next table along from Lan Zhan.

Once everyone had settled down, Young Master Jin Rulan was brought out and sat between Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli in a soft crib. The guests then took turns to go up and offer their gifts to the new parents. 

Everything from gold and jewellery to amulets and robes were gifted by the time it was Wei Wuxian's turn. Wen Ning and A-Yuan accompanied him to the front and he prayed that no more mishaps would occur.

Firstly, Wei Ying presented them with several barrels of their finest 'Yiling wine', specially brewed by fourth Uncle. Then he presented some herbs and medicines from Wen Qing. Before he revealed his present of some protective talismans and a bracelet that would prevent and repel any low to mid level evil spirits from the wearer. He had spent several days perfecting and carving the present so he wished that Yanli and Zixuan would allow their son to wear it. Then, A-Yuan gave them the tassel he chose and finally a little wooden toy that he had helped make. Yanli talked to A-Yuan for a little bit showing interest in his gifts especially before sending them to sit back down.

By the time that all of the gifts had been given out, it was already nightfall and a feast was set up in the great hall. Delicious looking plates of food were handed out to everyone and the atmosphere became more chatty and relaxed as people began to move around slightly. Wei Ying tried his food and then let A-Yuan sit and eat with Lan Zhan as he sensed the other wouldn't mind.

No one came to talk to him, even Lan Zhan barely said a word but as he noticed an overtired and exhausted A-Yuan falling asleep on Lan Zhan's lap he decided it was an appropriate moment to leave under the excuse of needing to put his child to bed. A Jin disciple graciously showed them to their accommodation before swiftly leaving. As soon as the doors shut behind them, Wei Ying passed his slumbering son off to Wen Ning to put to bed whilst he collapsed onto the floor heaving up huge mouthfuls of frothy blood, saliva and stomach acid. 

After laying the little one down, Wen Ning rushed over and cautiously held back Wei Ying's hair and rubbed his back.

"Young Master? Young Master Wei what's wrong?" He questioned.

Wei Ying couldn't answer between violent rounds of throwing up however held Wen Ning back when he tried to go get medical assistance. Blood was also pouring out of his nose and Wen Ning could feel the strength dripping out of him as time progressed. At last, Wei Ying struggled out, "They've poisoned me".


Author's Note:

Double Update!!! I know both of these are quite short chapters but I couldn't resist leaving it at that ending. Mwa ha ha - evil author vibes. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and please comment and vote as it is really encouraging!

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