Chapter 3

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The next morning I woke with a smile glued to my face. Duff and I had walked back after he kissed me and then we went separate ways. Just because I liked him didn't mean I was going to be easy.

I leaped out of bed. Should probably tone down the enthusiasm, the guys might jump to conclusions... After showering, I pulled on an old Led Zeppelin shirt and a pair of shorts. Downstairs, it appeared that no one was around. I quickly ate some toast and then went out into the garden. No one out here either. I supposed I may as well embrace the peace and quiet.

After about an hour of laying in the sun, I decided I would go for a walk. I turned left outside the gate, following the path Duff and I went yesterday. Soon enough I ended up on a street that at night must be busy and very lit up. I turned a corner, found a small cafe and went inside.

The inside looked typically British and I felt very much at home. There were wooden tables and chairs with blue cushions. I sat down at one in the far corner. Once my coffee had arrived I looked for a magazine or a newspaper to read. I found one and started flicking through the pages. On one of the pages I saw a photo of Duff and I. What? The caption read: A GnR groupie or has bassist Duff Mckagan got a girlfriend? Ugh what a joke, magazines don't know anything. I paid and walked back onto the street.

After half an hour of walking, I had managed to return back to the house. Still no sign of anyone. As I walked into the kitchen I saw a note sitting on the counter. I could swear that wasn't there before. It read: Hey Sasha, we've gone to a studio to record a few songs, come along if you want, Duff x. Below that was the studio address. Oops. I supposed I may as well go seeing as I loved GnR and this was a pretty rare opportunity if you asked me. Especially since I wanted to start my own band...

I found the studio on a small side street, concealed from the public. I pushed open the heavy door to reveal a small, dirty reception. If you wanted to call it that. Behind a messy desk sat a very disinterested looking women.

"Uh hi, do you know where Guns n' Roses are? I think they may be expecting me."

The woman looked up from a magazine as if I had interrupted something very important.


"Sasha," I waited patiently.

"Yeah Duff said you may come by. Third door on the left corridor," she said looking at me up and down slightly disgusted. Duff? Was she on a first name basis with him? I don't know why I suddenly felt very jealous, Duff and I had only been on one date. We weren't exactly a couple, despite what the newspapers thought.

"Umm thanks," I said before walking away. Well what a ray of sunshine she was.

I paused outside the third door unsure whether I should knock or not. What if they are mid recording and I interrupt? Just as these thoughts crossed my mind, the door swung open.

"Oh hey Sasha," Izzy stood in front of me. "I was just going to find a bathroom, you can go in though."

"Thanks Izz," I smile.

I walked in and the guys looked up from their instruments. Axl wasn't in there.

"Hey Sasha," they all chimed in. Duff looked up from turning his bass and beamed at me, "hey!"

"Sorry I didn't come earlier, I only just saw your note."

"That's ok," Duff replied. Quickly Izzy walked back in with a worried expression.

"I think Axl may be in one of his moods again, Sasha you might want to take cover behind the glass with our producer," he cautioned.

Taking his advice I swiftly walked into the dimly lit room with several control panels.

"Wow," I say in shock.

"Cool isn't it," I looked up at the producer who I hadn't noticed, "hi I'm Mike," he extended his hand. I took his hand and shook it, "Sasha, nice to meet you," I smiled.

On the other side of the glass, Axl walked in with an aggressive expression. I had to go out with him tonight? Ugh. As a child he very rarely had gotten angry, at least not towards me, although we were great friends.

"Steven, you can't play drums, look at you, you're a fucking mess!" He shouted without context. It was true that Steven's drug use had made him quite incapable but did Axl really have to shout? "We can't having a fucking band when the drummer can't play for shit!" I turned towards Mike.

"Mike is it possible to turn down the sound from the recording room?" I looked at him with pleading eyes.

"Yeah of course we can," he said moving a few sliders down until Axl's shouts were muted. I could still see him shouting at Steven, who looked out of it. I felt bad for him. "Axl can be like this sometimes," Mike said reading my expression, "I'm sure it will all sort itself out."

"I think I'm going to take a walk," I replied.

"That's probably a good idea," he nodded.

I walked down the corridor and took a right. It seemed quiet. That was until I passed a door that had music coming from it. I pressed my ear to the door and listened. The music had stopped for a while.

"Richie maybe if you play the D chord for another note," a voice sounded.

"Yeah I think Jon's right," another voice echoed.

Richie? Jon? Shit! Bon Jovi must be in there. I stood for another minute with my ear pressed against the door as they played part of a song. It sounded great. I loved Bon Jovi but I wasn't about to invite myself into their recording session. Hmm they must be recording Keep the Faith...

As I walked away the door opened and footsteps sounded.

"Sorry, do you know where the bathroom is?" I turned around to see that the voice was talking to me. Jon.

"Umm sorry I have no idea," I stuttered.

"Oh no worries," he paused looking me up and down. "What's a beautiful woman like you doing wondering around a recording studio?" He questioned. Jon Bon Jovi just called me beautiful. He was so chiseled and attractive, I wanted to rub his cheekbones to see if they were real.

Just as I was about to attempt to answer another voice from around the corner shouted, "Sasha there you are!" Duff's blonde hair bounced behind Jon.

"Oh Jon, hey how are you?" Duff greeted Jon, walking towards us.

"Pretty good Duff, I was just talking to this beautiful woman," he replied gesturing towards me.

"Well that beautiful woman happens to be the woman I am looking for," Duff smiled at me, with a hint of jealousy in his eyes. I wasn't sure why.

"Well then I suppose I shall see you around," Jon extended a hand, "did Duff say Sasha?"

"Yup Sasha," I stammered, paranoid of clammy hands as I took his.

"Sasha," Jon nodded as if agreeing, then walked past me in search of the bathroom.

"Axl has just fired Steven," Duff spoke with sadness and some anger in his eyes.

Well shit.

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