Chapter 1: New Roommate and his Harem

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A/N: Welcome to the beginning of this series. I'm a fan of Monster Musume and I thought it could do for another Season.

We start out at a Academy-like campus, where two boys were putting some stuff in a car. They put two boxes inside the car and looked back at the dorm they were living in.

David: Wonder what's taking Kuro so long?

Thomas: You know him, always taking his time but gets ready quickly.

Then everything goes to their Dorm room they used to live in. There we meet another male, Kuro Smith. He was getting the last of his stuff ready. Apparently, his Cousin, Kuroko Smith has givin' him a house to live in.

Kuro: This is going to be awesome! A house all to myself!

After finishing packing his stuff, He puts on a Pokémon trainer bag and heads out. He goes to the his friends car and saw they were being patence.

David: Your the lucky one.

Kuro: And what makes you say that?

Tom(Nickname) : Well for starters, your Cousin just gave you a House to live in and we're going to find Apartments for sale.

Kuro: Why ask? My Cousin knows what I'm like.

Tom: Possibly for the C.E.B.S.B

Kuro knew what that was. Apparently he 'failed' to be part of it, Due to you not having the experience with a real Monster Girl. But the Government did make him part of Monster Girl Research Fellows, so he could learn somethings about Monster Girls.

Kuro: Yeah, but I don't think that will be happening anytime soon.

Then his Phone went off, as he knew who it is.

Kuro: Hey Cous!

Kuroko: Cousin, I'm happy to hear your voice again.

Kuro: Oh C'mon, we talked a few weeks ago.

Kuroko: Well I'll be heading to your new homes address. Thomas knows where it is.

Tom: Don't worry, I might know where it is.

Kuroko: Excellent. I'll see you soon, Cousin.

Kuro: You too.

After that, everyone headed into the Car as it drives off.

*Insert Intro*

Everyone was riding in the car through out the streets. Tom was driving the Car, David was riding shotgun(Due to Kuro losing Rock, Paper, Scissors) and Kuro was sitting in the back, as he was listening to some music and looking through online his Phone.

Kuro: (Singing) Oh, I don't know if these guys will make it out alive. All we needed was a ride, but now this guy might be screwed. Oh God!

Then a Article showed up making him interested. He saw a guy called Kimihito, who would possibly be married to 7 Monster Girls.

 He saw a guy called Kimihito, who would possibly be married to 7 Monster Girls

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