Chapter 10

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Aiden’s POV

I went home, feeling stressed. James’ confession is shocking. I never knew he liked me before. I sighed. Currently, I was lying in my bed, thinking how my life turned into a drama. I heard a knock behind my door. My sister opened it and entered.

“Can’t sleep again?” she asked, sitting down at the foot of my bed.

“Yeah, I can’t.” I said, covering my face.

“Tell me. I know there’s something happened at school.” She said.

“James told me that something. He confessed to me today. He told me he likes me, same with Liam. It’s like yesterday I was dreaming of the guy whom I fell in love with for my whole life and now I am totally confused. I told James I might give him a chance but I still like Liam.” I said, sighing.

“You know what, you should give James a chance. Learn to move on.” She said.

“You think?” I said, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah. You should.” She said, nodding.

After that, she left my room and closed the door. I laid down on my bed and sighed for the nth time.

“Should I give him a chance?” I think to myself.

What a life full of drama.


James’ POV

Liam and I went to my house after I talked to Aiden. We went straight to my room, not bothering to take our dinner. Currently, I was laying down on my bed with my arms opened wide, while Liam was sitting on the floor.

“Hey Liam, can I tell you something stupid? Just don’t be mad at me, okay?” I said, sitting straight on my bed.

“Okay. Tell me what’s bothering you?” He said.

“I like Aiden, too.” I said, he looked at me, shocked.

“WTF?! You like him too?!” he said sounding shocked and mad.

“And it’s been three years ‘til now.” I said.

His face dropped with disappointment. “Why?” He asked. “Why didn’t you tell me?” he added, looking at me with his teary eyes.

“Sorry Liam.” I apologized.

With that, he opened the door and left. I sighed.


Liam’s POV

“Sorry Liam.”

With that I left him in his room alone. I ran and ran until I reached my house. I feel betrayed by my best friend. When I reached my house, I went straight to my room and locked it.

I cried for hours in my room. I need to make my move starting tomorrow. I need to win Aiden’s heart again.


A/N: sorry for the short chapter people. I don't feel good today. I feel dizzy. Pregnant? hahaha! maybe.

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