chapter seven

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We had all the food set out and a few decorations Mary said "were to die for". It was time to get ready. I took a shower and had Mary show me how to shave with out cutting myself. I starred at my clothes nit having a clue what to wear. Mary came in her black hair curled wearing a very short black dress showing off her cleavage. "what are you doing? You only dried your hair," she said pointing out the obvious. "I don't know what to wear," I said a little irritated.

"Ok, lets look," she said. She shuffled around in my closet and gasped. She pulled out a red dress with a huge smile. "this will look sexy as hell on you with you're long black hair and blue eyes! Put it on!" She said excitedly. I looked threw my drawer for a bra and panties. I pulled out purple set and she freaked. "No, no, no. Something sexy Martha. That's regular panties! Lets find black. Black screams "sexy bitch"." She said. I grabbed a lacy black push up bra and the matching thong. I put them on and felt like my boobs were in my face.

I yanked the red dress on. It was so tight I didn't think it'd fit. "oh my God.... It shows off everything.. Look in the mirror," she said. I turned around and looked st myself. It didn't look like Me at all. I looked like a normal U.S. Citizen, rather a boring Amish girl.

It clung to my thighs showing off more than I wanted. It cupped right under my ass and my breasts looked enormous. Over all I did look sexy. "Ok, time for make up," Mary said. I've never worn make up. I sat down and let her apply it. My eyes were smokey black, my skin was an even tone, and my lips glossed.

I waited impatiently for her to curl my hair. It took so long. My Hair was about an inch from sitting on it. "Ok, finally you're done. Oh crap, you need shoes," she said slapping herself in the forehead. She grabbed some black stilettos and I gulped.

"I won't be able to walk in those," I said. "Oh yes you will. It'll just take a minute to get use to. I have amazing skills," she said and there was a knock on the door. "Leslie, I'm done!" She yelled running down stairs.

Leslie walked in and get jaw dropped. I blushed probably the same color as my dress. "holy fuck...Martha, you don't look 16 at all. You look like a grown ass woman... I-I don't know what to say... I just creamed myself,"she stuttered. I smiled big, glad she liked it. She walked up to me starring at my breasts. "guys will be oogling you all night..." She frowned. "Why are you sad? I thought you just said you liked it?" I asked confused. "No, I do like it. I fuckin love it, but this isn't meant for me. It's meant for all the guys that are about to be here. Well, some already are.." She said.

I grabbed her face and panted a kiss on her lips. She ran her hands up my back, sending chills threw me. There is no way I could like a guy touching me compared to the way Leslie does. she moaned softly and I melted in her arms. She ran a hand up my dress and I felt get fingers pull my thong to the side and slide two fingers in. I sighed and my door swung open. "Damn it, Leslie! Not you're night to touch her! Leave her alone!" Mary yelled. Leslie backed away hanging her head low.

"Come on Martha, there are a lot of people here!" She said yanking me out of my room. I followed her down the stairs hearing talking and loud music. She stopped at the end of the stairs and said, "Hold you're head up high, smile, and flirt." I nodded, not sure if I could do this.

I followed her to the kitchen and noticed a couple of guys looking at me. I blushed nervously and Mary handed mea drink. Some red head walked up to us. "And who is this?" Am he said smiling at me. "This us my cousin Martha. She came to visit for a couple months. She's new to all of this," Mary answered for me.

He kissed my hand and I gulped. He was taller than me in my stilettos, but skinny and lanky. Not exactly my taste. "Nice to meet you my dear," he said walking off. "What do you think about Johnny?" She asked. I scrunched up my nose and she giggled, "Ya, he's not really anyone type."

We walked into the living room and people were dancing everywhere. Girls were all over guys, people were laughing at each other. Mary squealed beside me and I noticed some guy grab her from behind. She turned around and smiled. "This is my cousin, Martha. Martha, this is my boyfriend Brent," she introduced us. They walked out into the crowd and started dancing on each other. It was like sex with clothes. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked over. A black haired boy smiled weakly at me. "Hi, I'm Martha," I said nervously. His green eyes starred into me. I was mesmerized. "I'm Dominic, I work with you're sister. She's been talking about your for a month. She's very excited to have you here. She didn't mention how beautiful you are though," he said. I blushed and said, "Thank you, you're not so bad yourself." Where did that come from?? I wanted to smack myself. He chuckled loudly. "Do you wanna dance?" He asked. "I don't know how to dance like that.. We would be punished," I said. "Oh that's right. With you dressed like that I forgot you're Amish. Well, there is never a better time to start like the present. Come, on. Just do what feels good," he said taking my hand.

Nervously I followed him into the crowd. I didn't know what to do... I watched the other girls. They all danced differently, but had the same rhythm. They were all swaying their hips in some way. I closed my eyes and listened to the beat. It was fast and sexy. I swayd back and forth dipping my hips. I felt him right against my ass and my eyes popped open. I felt his manhood against my cheeks.

The more I rubbed my ass against it the harder it got and bigger it became. His hands roamed up and down my bear shoulders making me shutter. Mary grabbed me and yanked me away saying, "We'll be right back! Time to take some shots with me. You need to loosen up a little more. Dominic likes you. He doesn't dance at parties. You got his attention for sure. communicate with more guys though. Don't settle on the one. There are a lot of guys here."

I liked Dominic though. He was nice and sexy.. I took two shots of rum and burnt my throat. Another guy walked up to me and said, "If you drink juice it helps with the taste. I'm nick, I live across the street." I replied, "I'm Martha, Marys cousin. That stuff is gross. I can still taste it." I poured me a glass of juice and chugged it. After not being distracted by the awful taste in my mouth I got a good look at nick. He had blonde hair pulled back into a pony tale, brown eyes, and white skin. He was slightly taller than me but has a medium build.

"I seen you dancing out there. You looked like you were having a good time," he said. I went to answer him but Dominic wrapped his arm around my waste. "You ready to go back?" He asked. Completely forgetting about nick, I followed Dominic back into the living room. Leslie was sitting on the couch with a bottle in her hand looking sad. I couldn't help but frown. I felt bad for her. Mary must have noticed because she walked over to Leslie and took her into another room.

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