Chapter Two

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Chapter two

When I reached her office. The gargoyles stopped talking and started at me. Why was everyone doing that? I mean seriously do I have anything on my face? Was my make up all smudged or something?

‘Hermione is that you?’ They both said at the same time.

‘Well duh, now will you let me up? I don’t have the password, but Professor McGonagall is expecting me.’

‘Of course Hermione.’ they both opened up and let me see the shiny, swirly staircase that led to the headmistress office. I never liked having to climb up these staircases as it meant I was in trouble or something bad was happening. Now though, I don’t give a damn. I mean she’ll probably shout at me and its not like it causes me pain is it? Its only words. I reached the door and opened it. I mean she's expecting me so whats the point knocking. She knows who it is anyways doesn’t she. I looked at her and she had her back turned away from and was in a deep conversation with one of the portraits. I tried to listen but I could only hear a few words such as ‘Changed……….rude….beautiful…….confident’ I decided that I had more important things to do than listen to her whispering about someone, probably me. I faked a cough and I saw her turn around wide eyed.

‘Hermione, how long have you been here?’ She asked, a guilty look on her face.

‘Long enough to hear miss, but you know the saying, speak of the devil and the devil appears don’t you?’

‘Of course Miss Granger but I wouldn’t dare compare you to a devil. Such a nice young girl like you’ She said and moved out of the way to go and sit in her chair at her desk. When she moved I saw the person she was talking to was the one and only Dumbledore. The old Hermione liked him, found him brave and courageous even. The new Hermione though saw that he was weak and left three scared teenagers to defend for themselves against the darkest wizard that he couldn’t even defeat.

‘Ah Hermione how lovely to see you again. It’s been a long time since I last saw you.’ He spoke carefully like he was trying to defuse a bomb. 

‘I wish I could say the same thing to you Albus.’

‘I apologize if my actions during the war was unforgivable but it was the only way to defeat Voldemort himself.’

‘Sure whatever, I’m done listening to those stupid apologies.’ I then turned towards McGonagall's desk and sat myself down on the other side facing her. She had tears in her eyes. I started to feel sorry for her, but I mean who doesn’t feel sorry for an old, lonely woman like herself.

‘Whats my punishment then? I mean I have better things do than sit here and do nothing’ I asked.

‘Hermione would you like a biscuit? Or some tea maybe?’ She asked, pointing towards a plate full of biscuits.

‘I know your deal. You’re trying to get me to talk. You’re trying to get me to tell you my problems, my secrets maybe, most of all you’re trying to get me to trust you. Well, I can’t. I can’t tell you my problems or my secrets as their so dark they’ll probably end up eating you alive like its doing to me.  I also can’t trust anyone because the people you trust they end up leaving you broken and in pain.’ I said the last sentence looking at Dumbledore portrait, who now had tears coming from his eyes and rolling down his cheek. I have no idea why he’s crying. I mean he doesn’t even know my problems, and why should he care about my problem anyway. He tried to get me killed in the first place. ‘So if that’s all. I would like to leave.’ I got up from my seat and walked towards the doors.

‘Detention with your head of house, Severus Snape. Tonight at seven. Meet him in his office. Also minus ten points for slyth-slytherin.’ she choked on the last bit. Trying to hold back tears from streaming down her face. I just laughed and carried on out of the room. I walked down the spiral staircase and made my way towards the dungeons. I knew where the Slytherin common room were as Harry and Ron told me after they took that horrific polyjuice potion and went their to try and catch Malfoy out. The problem was I didn’t know what the password was. As I was on my way and passing Snape's office I might as well pop in there and ask him what it is. I walked with a huge grin on my face. I saw people look and start gossiping about me. Others were moving out of my way probably scared in case I snapped at them. I just ignored them and carried on walking towards his office. When I reached the black door with the gold writing on the front that said Severus Snape, Head of Slytherin, Defence against the Dark Arts. I knocked on the door this time as I knew that if I walked in then I might catch a sight that might disturb me from the rest of my life. Who knows what kind of stuff Snape does behind closed doors. I heard his voice call out ‘Enter’. You’d think that after the war had finished his voice would have changed to a clam happy one as his life is stress free and all, but I guess some things never changes and some change for the better. I opened the door and walked in. His office hadn’t changed much except its gone a bit fancier than the old office and it bigger and doesn’t feel so claustrophobic. I sat down on the seat opposite him not wasting time waiting for an invitation to. I know what Snape’s like he’ll want you to leave as soon as possible and by doing that he doesn’t offer you a place to sit. He looked up from the pile of parchment he was marking from. I mean it’s the start of the year what work could he have possible have to mark this early on in the year?

Love Bite!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora