"Alice..." Edward tried to restrain her from jumping on Rosemary but wasn't able to. The seer was too excited to stay calm. She got a vision of Theodore and her sister's future when the Olympic coven decided to move back to Forks. For weeks, Alice had trouble thinking about something else so Edward wouldn't know about Theodore before today. She wanted Rosemary to be surprised and live fully their first encounter. 

"I'm so happy for you, you'll be so good for each other!" Alice wrapped her arms around Rosemary's neck, making her stumble backwards as she caught her sister. 

"You knew about Theo..." It wasn't a question. Rosemary was happy that Alice didn't tell her, she would have overthink and it would have been different. Rosalie scoffed quietly, but not quietly enough, making Emmett patted her hips softly. He still throw a grin in Rosemary's direction. He was overly happy for his baby sister, but he also understood his mate's worries. It was why he was hardly involved in conflict, he didn't want to choose a side. Carlisle and Esme were smiling fondly at their children. They were happy Rosemary found her mate after all this time. 

"Carlisle, you have to stop this," Rosalie spoke to her coven leader. "This will put us at risk, we can't let this situation happen," She continued, making Rosemary and Alice put their attention on her instead of Theodore. 

" 'Situation'? Don't speak about Theodore like he's nothing important, he is Rose's mate," Edward protectively said. Rosemary quickly lost her happy mood since she could guess how this conversation would end.

"He does not belong to our world," The blonde beauty crossed her arms, sending a cold look to her sister. Actually, Rosalie was the only one who thought that way. Everyone else was happy for Rosemary. The only person that was wary of Theodore was Jasper. He was still adjusting to the animal diet and he didn't know how he would react to have a human near him daily. Edward, who heard his worries, was quick to reassure him.

"Theo's scent is not that alluring. He smells good, but not enough for us to want to feed from him," Jasper nodded a little, slightly reassured. Alice bounced on her feet, holding her mate's hand lovingly.

"You guys are going to be good friends, Jas, don't worry," They shared a small kiss before turning their attention back to the drama.

"Even if we don't wish to drink his blood," Rosemary clenched her fists at the only thought of it, "all of this will be suspicious, not only the boy but a lot more people," Edward was going to defend his sister again, but Rosemary stopped him. 

Even if she hated fights, she was never one to play the damsel in distress and let other defend her, especially when Rosalie attacked her beloved.

"Don't disrespect my mate," The Cullen family had never heard Rosemary spoke in such a frigid voice. "And I find your accusation a little hypocrite considering what happened with you and Emmett," Rosemary shared a small look with Emmett, who nodded. It reassured the dark-haired girl that Emmett was aware she only used their meeting to prove her point and that he didn't take it personally. Rosalie shook her head stubbornly.

"That's not the same thing..." Remorse started filling the blonde vampire as she thought of when she found Emmett, mauled by a bear.

"It is the same thing! You just don't want to see it," Rosemary argued.

"My mate was dying!" Rosalie cried out, taking a menacing step towards her sister.

"He was human nonetheless!" The dark-haired vampire continued. "You decided to bring Emmett to Carlisle so he could turn him and be with you forever. I just want to get to know my mate normally, I'm not going to wait for him to die to be with him," Rosemary concluded, her eyes filled with tears that would never fall. She speeded away from the Cullen's residence as she was feeling overwhelmed. It was not Rosalie's choice to decide whether Rosemary should get closer to her mate or not.

In the living room, Rosalie bit her lip, remorseful. She knew she had been selfish when she decided to get Emmett to Carlisle so he could be a vampire, and it was hypocrite that she now proned out that Rosemary's mate should have a long and human life. Wanting to be alone, she speeded to her room and closed the door softly. She just wanted to keep her family safe, and involving a human was not being safe, especially with the Volturi's rules about humans. On the other side, she knew it was selfish and inhuman to keep Rosemary away from her beloved, as well as unfair. Her sister did deserved her mate and Rosalie was no one to forbid it. 

The only thing that she could do now was to hope nothing bad happen. 

Rosemary didn't know for how long she ran, but when she stopped, she was by the treaty line. She sat down and took a deep breath. Maybe it was unfair to use Rosalie and Emmett's story against the blonde vampire, but she knew she had to defend Theodore and her future relationship with him in any way she could. If she was careful around him, what possibly bad thing could happen?

Rosemary was aware that she would have to tell Theo about her immortal nature at one point, she couldn't keep it a secret if she wanted an healthy relationship with her mate. But when? Before they got closer so their relationship would not be based on a lie, or after some time when their relationship would be strong enough to take it? 

The dark-haired vampire got out of her thoughts when she felt small and cold arms wrapped around her neck from behind. Alice was on her knees behind her sister and hugged her tightly, softly swaying side to side.

"Everything will be fine, Rose," Rosemary hoped so. 

Hi, I hope you liked this chapter! Thank you for reading! 

As school hasn't started yet for me, I'll be able to update more often till it starts. 

Don't have a good day, have a great day <3

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