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New Years Eve 2020

Scarlett's POV

I am throwing a New Years Eve party in my house this year, I have invited my whole family and some friends as well as the Marvel cast.

This will be a good time for Charlotte to meet everyone else, she is getting better with big crowds of people so I say she will be ok and if she doesn't like it I can take her up to my bedroom and stay there until she calms down.

I have got everything ready, the food, the drinks, the music and decorations now I just need to get me and Charlotte a bath and shower before getting dressed.

"Charlotte come here and let's get you into the bath baby!"I call out to wherever Charlotte is, she is probably in the living room playing or on the TV, I hear little footsteps running upstairs to me.

I walk out of the bathroom and see Charlotte running towards me causing me to smile because she absolutely loves bath time, she stops in front of me and smiles making me laugh before grabbing her hand and leading her into the bathroom.

I undress her and make sure the water is warm enough but not too warm, I place Charlotte in the bath and see instantly smiles and starts to play with the water, I wash her hair and body before wrapping her in a towel and putting her on the counter.

"Ok honey how about you go and wait in your bedroom and I will be in there in 2 minutes I need to get something ok?"I say taking her off the counter and putting her back on her feet, she nods and starts to run out, this isn't going to end well.

Just then I hear a massive thud and a scream coming from the hallway, I run out and see Charlotte on the floor holding her knee, I run to her and bend down beside her looking at her knee.

"Mama!"she screams again making me slightly smile at the name but quickly pick her up and put her on my lap.

"It's ok mama's here, what happened baby?"I asks rocking her gently to calm her down, I mean I know what happened but I need her to tell me.

"I slipped"she cries holding onto my shirt tight not wanting to let go.

"It's ok honey, how about we go and get your knee cleaned up and then put a bandaid on it yea?"I suggest picking her up gently and placing her on my hip, she nods and snuggles her head into my neck.

After I got Charlotte her bandaid I went back upstairs and get her dried and dressed before drying her hair and putting it into two pigtails just like she asked.

"Ok baby where do you want to stay while mama has a shower?"I asks looking at her, she points at me and I smile being happy that she wants to stay with me.

"Ok you can sit on the toilet while mama has a shower"I say walking into the bathroom and placing her on the toilet lid, I quickly get undressed and hop into the shower while Charlotte sits on the toilet talking about unicorns and rainbows.

I finish in the shower and walk Charlotte into my room and put her on my bed, I get my outfit out and get dried and dressed before drying my own hair and curling it.

"Ok baby today there is going to be a lot of people in our house and it will be quite loud so if you don't like it just come to me and we will go up to my bedroom and have some fun yea?"I say to Charlotte while walking down the stairs to wait for people to start arriving, Charlotte nods and sits on the couch watching 'The Little Mermaid'.

After awhile there is knock on the door, I stand up and walk to the door to open it, I see Elizabeth, Florence, Brie, Zoe, Karen, Rachel & Gwyneth standing there all dressed up and smiling.

"Hey Scar, so where is this amazing Charlotte that was with you in the mall"Elizabeth says as I move to the side to let them in, I bring them into the living area and see Charlotte sitting on the couch sucking her thumb while watching 'The Little Mermaid'.

"Baby I have some people that I would like you to meet"I say catching my daughters attention, she looks over to me and sees everyone which causes her to panic.

"It's ok come here to me, it's ok I got you"I say lifting her up and holding her tight, she looks at all the girls and smiles while her thumb is still in her mouth.

"These are my friends, this is Elizabeth but you can call her Lizzie, this is Florence but you can call her Flo, this is Brie, this is Zoe, this is Rachel, this is Gwyneth & this is Karen, they are all of my friends and there is more to come"I say tickling her side making her giggle.

Everyone says their hellos and we all sit around chatting while Charlotte is watching the movie.

After awhile everyone has arrived, Charlotte had met everyone and I am currently holding her in my arms because she doesn't want to leave my side.

"Baby do you want some chocolate?"I ask her looking down at her, she nods her head yes so I walk over to the the food stand and grab her some chocolate, she gladly takes it and thanks me before smushing it into her mouth and mostly on her face.

"Hey Scar I see Charlotte got some chocolate didn't she?"Elizabeth says smiling at Charlotte's face, Charlotte giggled and shakes her head pretending she has no idea what she is talking about making me and Elizabeth smile at how cute she is.

"I no chocolate"she says smiling from ear to ear, Elizabeth and me laugh at her being adorable.

"Well little missy what is all around your face then?"I say tickling her stomach causing her to burst out into a fit of giggles.

After a little bit she has calmed down and I wiped her face and hands, it is getting close to 10pm and I can see Charlotte getting tired.

"Baby you wanna go to bed?"I ask looking down at her while she lays her head on my shoulder, she shakes her head and puts her thumb in her mouth.

Of course my baby girl fell asleep in my arms while I was talking to Chris and Robert, she is laying her head on my shoulder while her mouth is open and her thumb barely in her mouth anymore, it really is adorable.

Robert is going on about god knows what while me and Chris are listening to him rant about his life, this is a daily thing on set, it is very funny sometimes because everyone would leave and then he would still be talking but not realising until at least one minute later.

"Ok everyone it is almost midnight so everyone get ready to count down"I say to everyone turning the TV on so we can see the count down there.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 HAPPY NEW YEAR!"everyone counts down and then shouts happy new year, we all cheer and drunk from our drinks, the couple kiss but I just kiss my sleeping daughters head, I'm surprised she stayed asleep she must of been exhausted.

Everyone has gone home and now I am sitting in my bed reading a book while I have a little girl fast asleep on top of me, I put my book down and turn my lamp off before lying down and falling asleep.

Today was amazing.

Adopted by Scarlett Johansson [COMPLETED] Where stories live. Discover now