Mika's stomach tightened, the touch of her hands... her nearness sending shivers long the surface of her skin. Dear God! She is so attractive.

"What is wrong, Vic?" She felt her mouth go dry, had to moisten her lips before she could go on. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

It seemed an eternity passed before the boss answered her. She felt as though she were drowning in the intense brown of her eyes... eyes which were looking at her in a way they'd never looked at her before. Her voice was gravelly as she spoke, deep and very quiet. "Mika, if I stay here any longer, I shall make love to you. That is what's wrong."

It took Mika's breath away. Her eyes widened, her lips parted, but no words came out. Make love to her?

"I... but I..." She resorted to flippancy--- it was the only way she could cover her floundering, her astonishment. "You made that sound as though as I have no say in the matter."

Vic just smiled drawing Mika against her and kissing her before she had any chance of escape. But this time, the secretary did not want to escape...

This time, Mika felt she was being kissed differently. It began with savagery she welcomed because she'd waited so long to know once again the feel of her lips on hers. She had not realized that until now, she was not merely attracted to this person. She was hungry for her!

Sweet sensations exploded within her as Vic's kiss changed from raw and blatant demand to a subtle coaxing which turned her hunger into an aching need. Vic's arousal was obvious, immediate, but she was in control and it was she who set the pace, kissing her differently all the time she was locked in her arms--- teasing, withdrawing, exploring until finally she wrenched away from her, gasping and shocked by an expertise she had never before encountered, an excitement that made her head spin.

Not a word was spoken as they looked at each other, standing two feet apart. Then Vic's eyes moved to the soft curves of her breasts, their rise and fall as she fought to control her breathing, and the slight move she made drew a frightened protest from her.

Mika stepped swiftly away from her. "No, Vic!" If she touched her body, she would be lost... completely lost. As it was, she had some control, enough to realize what a ghastly mistake she had made... what Vic must be thinking of her now. "Vic, please! I... I did not invite you in to... for..."

"I am aware of that." Vic's eyes closed briefly and she left out a long, slow breath. "Unfortunately, I am very well aware of it."

Mika turned away from Vic, feeling guilty for some unfathomable reason. "I... All I wanted tonight was to get to know you better... to improve our relationship."

Vic's low laughter brought Mika swiftly round to face her as she realized what she had said. "I didn't... You know what I meant, Vic. Right from the start there was animosity between us... and this last week has been unbearable. The tension has been so upsetting and... and all I wanted to do was to put an end to it." She looked away, feeling silly. She could not blame her for getting the wrong impression. But if she had known that Vic was attracted to her, she would've never invited her here.

"Mika... Mika, come here."

"No! I have told you. I..."

"All right. You don't need to draw pictures for me. But look at me, at least, because it seems that the same can't be said for you."

Mika look at her. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that for a twenty-eight-year-old-woman who went as far as the altar with the last man in her life, you're incredible naïve. There is not..." Vic took a deep breath. "There never has been any animosity between us. It exists only in your mind. The animosity is quite the wrong word. What you are referring to is the physical attraction we both felt from the start. As for your other expression.... The tension you refer to is real enough. "She smiled humorlessly, the deadly serious eyes denying Mika the ability to look away. "I don't need to say more... you know what the remedy is."

Mika's heart was pounding with alarm. She was hearing the truth and it was unwelcome. "You don't mince your words, do you? You certainly got to the heart of the matter." Her attempt at laughter came out hallow, leaving the boss unmoved. Vic's face was impassive and she might just as well have been talking about tomorrow's weather forecast.

"Since when did I call a spade a digging implement? Mika, listen to me and remember what I will tell you. Kiefer is dead. You are alive... and young and a very desirable woman. You are also desirous. You want me as much as I want you... but there is a difference. I have no justification to make. Neither do you, in fact, but you think you have. It is only a matter of time before we become lovers. You need time, and I'll give it to you. But believe me, when I decide that the time is right to make love to you, you won't have say in the matter."

Vic picked up her coat and made for the door. "Goodnight, Mika. Take care of yourself and have a good Christmas. I'll see myself out."

She left, closing the front door quietly behind her. As she started the engine of the Rolls, she glanced at the balcony of her secretary's unit. She placed her hands on the steering wheel and stared out into the wet blackness of the street, frowning. From the very beginning she had known some things about her almost instinctively, and she'd learn more with every passing week. But there was something about her, somehow, which did not quite add up, and she was damned if she won't be able to figure it out...

She could her Yoda's voice in her mind, saying ... "May the force be with you..." 

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