Ch. 5 - Stalemate

Start from the beginning

Torok smiled pridefully and interfered with the boys' training.

"You two are doing very well." He said, looking at them both.

Veran beamed happily at the praise, but Valass half shunned his head away.

" I'm sure your father would be proud of your progress, Veran, but we'll have to continue this later. I've cut my time rather close, and I need to speak to Valass." He said.

"Yes, sir." Veran said with a dip of his head and left, leaving Torok to step closer to Valass, taking a knee to his level.


Valass still didn't look up at his father even after saying his name.

Torok took his forefinger under Valass mandible to lift and turn his head to face him, widening his eyes slightly for him to know to listen.

"I know you're indifferent with me at the moment, but will you listen to me..? Please..." Torok spoke softly.

Valass only nodded.

"You know where I'm going today, yes?" Torok asked.

"The Intelligence Outpost."

"Yes... Do you know why?"

"... No. Most likely Glassing Schematics, and City Topography." Valass assumed.

"Mmm... True, I need those, as well, but... Not this time."

Valass furrowed his brow.

"Then... What?" He tilted his head.

"I'll show you when I get back." Tork said before he nuzzled Valass as he giggled from the show of affection.

"I'll return soon." He promised.

"Be safe, Father."

Torok gave a nod to his son and headed for his ships, the heavy clad of his boots sounding as he stepped into his Phantom.

"Everything is ready, sir." Ryke said, joining his side as the Phantom enclosed their men inside as they took off from camp.


"Are you sure that one of us shouldn't have stayed behind?" Miirdan questioned.

"The Zealots will protect the camp. Ryke, however, is being dropped near Garrix." Torok explained.

"So what are our orders, Ship-Master?"

"Our objective is one of their Terminal DataBases, Phy. My phantom as well as one other will drop there to secure any and all information on the children splinter groups they have... For now, I want low profiles. Disappear when you need and do not engage in combat unlet it is silent and swift. We must not let ONI know we are skimming through their project."

Torok's comms rang with conformations from his men.

"The rest of you will be causing interference for the Humans to keep them off our backs, and away from the outpost. But not too closely. I want this mission to go smoothly."

His comms rang with more responses as Ryke was released from the Phantom.

"Very well. Happy hunting."

The Phantoms had cloaked themselves from being detected as they approached the outpost.

"Active Camouflage."

Torok's chosen men and Miidran cloaked themselves as they leapt from the Phantom on top of the outpost, making their way inside from the rooftop.

They crouched down on the pipework inside, scouting from above where the control room was located.

Allegiance - Vol. 1 Allegiance Halo Fanfic (Thel 'Vadame X Ex-Spartan OC)Where stories live. Discover now