Chapter Twenty-Nine | Still A Moron

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The markets were quieter than I had expected them to be. There were a few crowds here and there, but the path was mostly clear. No one for us to bump into or get lost between. Even still, Joe decided that they would supervise our every moves, just because we had a knack for getting ourselves in trouble. Langa tried to argue that he wanted to look at something on his own but dropped it when I suggested that we all just go to make the trip easier. "We can't because then..." He glanced between me and the ground, then swallowed nervously. "Doesn't matter."

Langa looked like he knew he wasn't going to enjoy this trip, and I felt a little bad for him. In the long run, this was my fault, so there had to have been something I could do to make him feel better. Even if it was just for a moment.

I turned my attention to Cherry, stopping to take in all the bonsai trees at a stall. Each one unique, and new to growing. When Joe leant over and said something, Cherry straightened his posture, lift his hand, and smack him over the back of his head. "Idiot." They were kind of embarrassing to walk around with now that I thought about it. Kind of reminded me of two parents who weren't as well put together as they thought they were, with all their bickering and pushing and shoving. "Oh, hey Reki come look at this!" Joe gestured for me to walk towards him, and I did. Even if they were embarrassing, they always wanted the best for their family.

I switched walking with both adults every now and then, Joe was very into things like rocks, handmade wooden items, or dream catchers. Whereas Cherry was very into... How would you describe it? Childish things. Dolls made from wool or sewn together. "Do you... want kids?" I glanced over at whatever Cherry was looking at. A small doll that was seemingly handmade, it had no face but looked quite beautiful. "Ha- God no. Children are vulgar creatures, and I would never be able to raise one. Especially on my own." He dropped the doll into his left hand, then took out his wallet to pay for the item.

"Lucky he's got his favourite-"

"I will never have children." Cherry put his wallet away, then lifted his hand to cut off Joe, smacking him square in the nose. It wasn't hard, but it would have shocked his nerves for a second. "Ah-" Joe pinched his nose for a moment, then sent a dejected look towards the ground, "Never say never..." I felt a bit bad for him saying that. I'm sure if Cherry did ever raise a child, Joe would want to be there to support his best friend. Just like Langa and I would want to support each other. Although... if Langa had a child... then I wouldn't be the most important person in his life anymore.

Was that selfish of me to think? Was I the most important person in his life right now? He still had his mother to think of, and there were other people he spoke to. I wondered if he had a crush on someone in our grade. Maybe that's why he was here right now, buying a present for them. "Hey, Langa what were you-?"

I spun around to where Langa was a moment ago but wasn't now. "Langa?" I circled the spot, seeing no sign of the Canadian teenager I called out to. "Stop saying his name if he's- Where is he?" Cherry tucked away his attempt to scold me, and instead repeated what I did a second ago. "Where is he? Kojiro, where did he go?" Another hasty walk around myself and Joe sent Cherry into a panicked look.

"Calm down four-eyes. Langas' a big boy. I'll go have a look for him back the way we came, you can stay here with Reki in case he comes back." Joe gave Cherry a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder, and then stepped away from us, walking back down the path of people. I didn't realise before, but there were a lot more people than when we first got here. Maybe it was because we were so enthralled with the stalls around us, but I hadn't noticed.

A few minutes passed where Cherry and I just stood against a wall. I could tell he was worried about Langa, but there was nothing we could do about it. Besides, this was nothing like what we had already faced. I guess my panic subsided when Joe took over finding him. It didn't stop me from wondering where he went, but I knew he would be alright. "How long have you been friends?"

"Hm?" Cherry looked up at me, his hand moving from his mouth. If I could guess, then I would say he was biting his nails. Seemed like something he'd want to hide with such a sophisticated stature. "Joe and you. You seem so comfortable with each other is all I mean." I tucked my hands in my pockets and tried to keep the conversation up. If he didn't want to talk then I would know about it. But things like this helped to keep our minds from straying too far. "Kojir- Ah... Joe and I have known each other since kindergarten. A very long time." His face stilled as he waited for me to talk again, giving me a look with his eyes like he knew I would keep going.

"That means you guys have been friends for years! That's the best kind of friendship! Childhood best friends are awesome!" It was exciting to think about having someone you've known for so long be there with you ever step of your life. Someone that knew everything about you and what you've been through. It was something I reached out for whenever I could. "Childhood friends is such a light way of saying it. If I remember correctly, we were conjoined at the hip. Always together, never seen apart."

I watched him speak slowly, his voice light-hearted and happy, yet his face unchanging. "Were you as strict with him then as you were now?" I wanted to know more. This was so interesting to learn about. Like a book with beautiful twists and turns so you could never stop reading. "I was... more at ease with his actions back then. He was actually more the studious type. I was much more of a loose canon than him."

Cherrys' face softened, then I saw the most real thing from him. He smiled. Not a polite smile he gave to people he spoke to, or the smile that he gave you when he knew you were full of it. It was a genuine smile.

"Still a moron though. Kojiro will always be a moron."

Suddenly, Cherry was lifted at the hips, with Joe holding him from behind. "Someone looks happy talking about me~" He had a stretched-out grin on his face as Cherry squirmed from his arms. "Let me go you big oaf!" I peered around the two oversized toddlers to see Langa holding a small bag, and two burgers.

"Langa!" I jumped on my friend, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and being careful not to squash him like Joe was doing to Cherry. "Hey, I got you a burger." I let go of him and took the sandwich happily. "Thanks, what's that?" I glanced down at the bag that Langa had dangling from his wrist, and he tucked it behind his back. "Nothing too important. Don't worry about it." I watched his eyes dart around my face nervously, and let my shoulders rise and fall. "Okay, it's all good." My mouth opened and I took a large bite of the burger in my hands.

"Is it?" He furrowed his eyes at me quizzically, and I nodded. "Yeah, I trust you. Not like it's something bad. If it was, then I know you'd tell me so we could deal with it together." I started walking, and Langa walked with me. "You're ridiculous Reki." He laughed at my statement, and I smiled back.

It wasn't every day I got to see that smile of his. But I wanted it to be. I wanted the world to know that smile was because of me. And that the world was no match for him.

For us.

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