Just Keep Loving Me Lustin<3

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Okay so this is another Lustin. I think. I'm almost positive that @LUSTINfangirl requested this. And to be honest it came out completely opposite of what she wanted. But, I hope you like it anyway. Sorry.





I took a deep breath. I walked back into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of sparkling cider. I went back to the table and set it down. I quickly pulled out my phone and dialled the number. It rang a few times before anyone picked up.

"NIALL SHE'S WALKING! THE LENS CAPPP!!!!" Louis cried. I chuckled.

"Louis! You're holding the fucking camera! Why are you yelling at me?!" Niall yelled back. Their daughter Darcy was almost a year old and she was just starting to walk. And Louis was having a fit wondering if they'd get it on camera.

"Oi... Hello?" He asked. I laughed.

"Hey man. What's up?" I asked.

"Nothing just Louis acting like a loon. She's been walking for four weeks and has caught everytime on camera. The poor child can't even walk around peacefully without the damn thing shoved in her face." He said. I chuckled.

"Louis. Leave the poor baby alone. You'll have the rest of your life to watch her walk." Harry said, picking up his daughter. I never thought Nourry would work out. But it did. And it was a good relationship too. I'm happy for the boys.

"Hey baby. How's Zayn?" Niall asked.

"Just a little upset. It's only been a week since he broke up with his boyfriend-." Harry was cut off.

"Dustin." Darcy said. My eyes widened. That was Darcy's first word.

"What did she say?!" Louis asked.

"Dustin." Darcy said.

"Niall. She's trying to say Justin!" I laughed.

"Oh my god! That's so not fair! Her first word is her godfather's name, not even daddy." Louis said.

"I think it's cute. Liam would love tha- oh my god! That's why I called! Did you guys manage to get to the park and see if it was set up properly?" I rushed out.

"Yes. It looks amazing. They did a really good job. All the trees have colorful lights and I know Liam is going to love it." Niall said. I smiled. I took a deep breath and blew it out slowly.

"Why is this so important to you? Is today your anniversary?" Niall asked.

"No. But it just is. I have to go pick up Liam from Zayn's house. I actually have to go now. I'll call you after our date. Give Darcy a kiss for me." I said. Niall scoffed.

"Harry does that enough for the both of us." Niall chuckled. I smiled. I left everything set up on the table, and when we got back from the park, I would finish our dinner. Liam is gonna love tonight. I can just feel it.

I made my way quickly to my car, and drove off to Zayn's house. I can just picture the look on Liam's face. The brightness to his chocolate eyes. And it made me smile, that I could make him so happy. I pulled into Zayn's driveway, and stepped out of the car. I took a deep breath and smiled.

I walked up the pathway and toward the front door. I could hear voices and assumed Liam, and Zayn were just talking. But I listened closer and noticed it wasn't speaking, it was moans. Uh-oh. Was Zayn with someone? Did Liam take a cab home?

I decided to step back and look through the window just incase Zayn really was with someone. I didn't want to interrupt. I walked to the lawn and tried to see through the window. The curtains were a bit see through, and I could make out two figures on the couch. And you can guess what they were doing.

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