Glad You Came Niathan<3

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Hey guys! This one shot is requested by @lovejiallsomuch she asked for a one shot with Nathan from The Wanted and our little Nialler! I hope I did okay guys!





"Jay! Get over here!" I called.

"What?!" He snapped. Rawr. Someone needs a nap.

"What is your problem?" I asked. He sighed.

"Nothing." He said. I looked at him.

"Liar. Tell me the truth." I said.

"I just had a bad dream." He said. He's such a liar

"Wow, two lies in a row to your best friend. How cruel is that?" I asked. He groaned.

"I'm just nervous about tonight! Is that okay with you?!" He snapped. I frowned. Why is he so mean?

"Why are you so mean? Sorry for bothering you." I said. I curled intk a ball on the couch, and faced away from him. I miss Niall. He wouldn't yell at me.

"Nathan. Damn, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be a arse. I'm just nervous and I don't wanna go." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Why can't you just tell him?" I asked.

"The same reason why you can't tell Niall." He sassed.

"You're an arse. You're just being a prick." I said. He laughed.

"I'm sorry! I don't mean it! Don't hate me Nathan." He said.

"Too late ya dick." I sassed. He laughed harder. Oh whatever. I got off the couch and went to see where Max was. I scampered through the house and looked all over. I frowned and decided to check his room. No, he wasn't there. I asked Siva.

"Siva! Where's Max?" I asked. He shrugged. I furrowed my eyebrows. Where could he be? I walked around and looked through the whole house, and couldn't find him. So I decided to as Tom.

"Hey To-. EWWWWWWWWW!!!!" I cried. Let's say I found bith Max and Tom. I ran away squealing and crying in agony.

"EW EW EW EW EW EW! WHYYYYYYY!!!???" I cried running around.

"Shut up Nathan!" Max yelled.


"You're being overly dramatic Nathan." Tom called.

"That would be like walking in on Jay fucking L- OUCH!" I cried as Jay threw the remote at my arm.

"Shut up! Blabber mouth." Jay called.

"SIVAAA! They're being mean to me!!" I whined. Siva came walking in and hugged me. He patted my back.

"Stop being harsh to Nathan! It isn't his fault you forgot to lock your door Tom!" Siva called. I nodded crossing my arms.

"Fine! Then I'm locking the door! Oh and Nathan?!" Max called.

"Yeah?" I called back. Just then a loud moan sounded from Tom.

"EWWWW! STOP THAT YOU FUCKING SLOB!" I cried. Jay laughed and Siva shook his head. I pretended to vomit. Which only made Jay laugh more. I rolled my eyes. Niall! Please get here soon.


"HURRY UPPPPPP!!!" I whined.

"Oh god." Louis moaned.


"Ugh, Niall get away from the door! Go call Nathan or something!" Harry groaned.

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