⋅•☆Chapter 26 - Parseltongue☆•⋅

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Y/n's POV


It was the next day, I was released from the Hospital wing early but Harry had to stay a bit longer since Madam Pomphrey still had to examine his bones before releasing him.

I entered the Great Hall for breakfast to be greeted by my large group of friends who were sitting by the Gryffindor table.

"Y/n! Happy to see you up and about." Hermione said as she gave me a hug.

"Thanks, I'm-"I was cut off when I notice Stark brushed against my leg. "Oh, hello Stark. Sorry I wasn't with you last night bud." I picked him up and gave him a few scratches behind his ear.

"He kept meowing at our door until we let him in." George claimed, clearly exhausted.

I sent him a confused look before Fred intervened, "He wouldn't leave and stayed on my bed until we went out for breakfast." He seemed a bit more energetic compared to his twin.

I looked at Stark, he looked up at me with an innocent look. I shook my head and let out a chuckle. "He really does like you, Fred."

I sat down between the twins. I placed Stark on my lap and started to eat breakfast. Hermione and I discussed the latest Potions Essay which was due today. Thankfully I already finished writing it a few days ago.

Ron mentioned that Dumbledore announced that we were going to be having a Dueling club later today. I found that quite interesting since mum mentioned she was actually a dueling champion three years in a row while she was in Hogwarts. After I finished my plate, Draco came by our table and handed me the cloak of invisibility.

"That thing is freaking amazing. Never seen anything like it. Don't worry though, I didn't show the others...other than Blaise who caught me when I tried to use it this morning." Draco said, scratching behind his neck.

I chuckled slightly, "Don't worry Draco. I trust Blaise."

We talked shortly before he returned to his table. I handed the cloak to Harry and pulled a cookie out of my pouch. I looked up and noticed Fred sending me a look, silently asking for one.

I sent him a slight glare since this was the last batch I had.

"Come on Y/n, just one cookie." Now he was using his puppy eyes he'd rarely use.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't use that on me, Weasley. You know I'm immune to that."

Fred dropped the puppy eyed look and a smirk grew on his face. "Not even one cookie for your gracious savoir who saved you twice yesterday?"

I let out a sigh and handed him a cookie. He happily accepted it and ate it in a flash.

I felt a tap on my shoulder to see George was also asking for one. I glared at him and shook my head a no.

"But you gave Fred one." George said.

"That's cause he saved my arse twice yesterday. You on the other hand didn't." I replied.

George jokingly huffed and crossed his arms like a child upset because they couldn't get their toy.

"Don't worry Georgie, when I make a new batch of cookies, I'll give some to you." I said, patting his head.

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