⋅•☆Chapter 25 - Rogue Bludger☆•⋅

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Y/n's POV


It was the first game of the season. Oliver's been pushing us to the edge in our practices. I felt like I was going to throw a quaffle at his head every time he told us to do a few more laps after practice.

Soon enough, everyone was changed into their quidditch robes and was waiting for Oliver to give his usual speech before we head start the game.

"Now I know that Slytherin's got new brooms but that won't stop us from winning. They've always depended on size rather than skill. That's where they lack in. We've got three amazing chasers, two fantastic beaters and one seeker who never fails to capture the snitch. We'll do great this season, I just know it. Now let's go kick Slytherin off their high horse and win this match!"

We all cheered at the end of his speech. Oliver's speeches always manages to uplift our spirits. He'd occasionally let someone else do the speech which we'd always take advantage of.

We soon entered the pitch and started the match. And it was a disaster.

The first goal went to Slytherin. We managed to score three goals but Slytherin got in eight goals leaving our odds on winning second to none.

Only way we can win this is if we manage to score 4 more goals or that Harry catches the snitch before Draco.

Those new brooms are really making the playing field a lot harder for us. Whenever one of us are about to score a goal, one of them always manages to snatch it away from us.

"And another goal for Slytherin! What's going on with you Gyrffindors!?" Lee yelled.

"Gee! Thanks for those kind words of encouragement Lee!" I yelled at him as I flew by.

I was starting to get frustrated. First match of the season and we're practically losing.

I score another goal for Gryffindor but we were still very much behind. I flew by Harry to see him looking around the field for the Snitch. It seems that Draco's flown by him and the two were conversing?

"You two! Focus on the bloody game!" I yelled at them. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot a bludger heading right for Harry. "Harry! Duck!"

Thankfully Harry was quick and dodged the bludger. Unfortunately the bludger came back but Oliver was in the way.

"Wood, look out!" Harry yelled.

But it was too late, The bludger hit Oliver's broom.

I returned back to the game and snatched the quaffle away from one of the Slytherin chasers.

I flew to the opposite side of the field and realized that one of the bludgers were right on my tail. I tried to lose it but it kept chasing after me. I looked to my side to see Harry experiencing the same thing.

"Godric! Looks like both Carringtons got a rogue bludger on their tail! Fred! George! Go deal with that otherwise I'm climbing on a broom to deal with it myself!" Lee announced into the mic.

George went off to deal with Harry's rogue bludger while Fred went to mine.

I flew closer towards the Slytherin's goal and threw the quaffle in which scored Gryffindor ten points. I didn't have much time to celebrate due to the bludger still hot on my trail.

"Fred! Are you going to get rid of this thing or what!?" I yelled.

"I'm trying but it keeps coming back!" Fred said as he swung his bat at the bludger only for the ball to come flying back.

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