chapter 3

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We are back riddhima and sejal shouted entering in riachand mansion seeing both girls Aarohi , dev and meera come down stairs

Dev and aarohi come and hug both while riddhima has tears in her eyes.

Dev:what happen princess why are you crying.

sejal (mischievously) : uncle your princess is like this only you know aunt whole crowd is cheering for her but she is busy in crying.

Aarohi (teasing): stop it sejal otherwise she will again sart her crying.

Riddhima: dad see they both are teasing me .

Dev: stop it both of you don't tease my princess.

Meera: welcome back both of you.

Riddhima and sejal: thank you meera how are you and your fiance they both said to her teasingly.

Meera: I am fine and he also fine she said giving them a small smile.

Aarohi: now you both go and take some rest . because you both are traveling from morning.
must be feeling tired as well na.
after that come down stairs for dinner.

Riddhima and sejal: ok mom/ok aunt.

they go to their room and after taking rest they go to downstairs for their dinner.

Sejal:wow aunt today you made all my and Riddhima's favourite food.

Aarohi: offcourse because my both daughters came after a long time.

Riddhima:you know mom me and sejal are craving for your handmade food.

Dev: now i will not let you go from us now you both will stay in india only.

Riddhima and sejal:ok dad/ok uncle.

sejal: uncle where is meera she didn't came for dinner.

Dev: actually she is staying in her friends house today because of her friends birthday.

Riddhima: dad mom told me that Meera fiance is coming tomorrow in our house for lunch

Dev : yes actually meera fiance parents are mine and Aarohi childhood best friend and tommorow they are coming our house for lunch.

Aarohi:ohk now no more questions eat your dinner and take rest.



ishani: bhai you are looking so handsome today.

Listening this Aryan, vansh and angre chook their food and start coughing. seeing this siya start laughing.

Uma: what happen to you Ishani from where sun rise that you are saying all this.

Siya: let me tell you mom actually ishani di ,me and aryan want to go Indore for RR live music concert.

Vansh and angre : no you three are going nowhere.

Uma: yes and you know na that vansh and meera marriage also you have to attend.

On which vansh just rolled his eyes.

Ishani: mom the concert will be held after bhai wedding only.

Uma:ok we will talk about this after vansh wedding.

saying all finish their dinner and return to their room for sleep but two people are staring the moon through their windows.

In Riachand Mansion

Riddhima Pov

she is holding a locket in her hand close to her heart.

you know today i am Missing youe i don't know why i don't able to move on or you can say that i don't want to move on but i still love you till my last breath. you know i fill your wish you want me to become a famous singer and see today i am a famous singer but you are not with me.

saying so tears start flowing from her eyes and don't know when she fall sleep.

Riddhima pov end


Vansh Pov

today i don't know why i am feeling so peaceful like my heart is at peace. i don't know why my heart is eager to know who is riddhima. but finally tommorow I will meet you.

Vansh pov end




Sejal (thinking): you know riddhima this is not new for me to see you like this crying in sleep and i know the reason also but i will pray to good that soon someone come in your life and make you our old chirpy sweet prankster Riddhi back.

Sejal:get up riddhi its already 8:00am if you will not get up na i will spill full water jug in your face.

Riddhima: good morning i am up okay now let me take bath i will meet you in break fast table.

Sejal: ohk



Aarohi and dev: good morning riddhu ,sejal, Meera

Riddhima, sejal, Meera: good morning

Riddhima:so how is your friends birthday party.

Meera: its fine

Aarohi :so today you three will not go out ohk because meera fiance and his family are coming

Riddhima: actually mom there is a problem.

Aarohi: what happen now riddhu i told you na that today they will come

Riddhima: actually mom today urgently i got call that song recording is urgent so i need to go to studio for recording and it will take time at least 4 hours for traveling.

Dev: so no problem you will record from home only.

Sejal:but uncle how is this possible i mean there's no studio here for recording.

Dev:let me show you something..


all are sitting in dinning table

Uma: where is vansh i don't see him from morning do you know angre

angre is about to give answer but suddenly aryan speak

aryan: ya angre must be known because he is Bhai's first wife.

on which everyone start laughing and angre is glaring aryan.

vansh: what happen all of you why are you all laughing.

Aryan: nothing bhai just Chitchatting you sit i mom plz serve bhai breakfast

vansh roll his eyes on this

vansh: mom when we are going to riachand mansion

on which all youngster chock their food and looking at him with wide eyes

Aryan: bhai are you fine do you have fever. wait ishani plz call doctor

Vansh(irritated): shut up aryan

Uma: yes bata we will go at 11:00

Vansh: ohk mom

Vansh Pov

So finally time came to meet miss mysterious riddhima

Vansh pov end

hello guys it's my first time i am writing something plz shower your love and support to this story. plz vote and comment.

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