Chapter 6

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Days later, (Y/N) and her father were invited to Big Mom's tower to stay as guests until the wedding day. The servants explained to (Y/N) that normally the bride and groom have a little meeting to get to know each other, but that the groom refused to do so, saying that it was not necessary. (Y/N) thought that maybe this Oven was not interested in even seeing her, somehow that lowered her spirit a bit since she expected to at least get along with her future husband.

-Well, Oven doesn't know me and apparently he already doesn't like me...- said (Y/N) walking through one of the flower-filled gardens that the tower had, appreciating the view -I hope we can get along one day...-

-Oh, here you are princess, come with me please, you have to try on the wedding dress- said one of the servants when he found her, showing the way to follow him

The dress was adapted to her figure and with an open back for her wings, she looked stunning

-Wow, she really looks more beautiful than she already is- commented the servants watching her walk with the dress

-Princess, what flowers would you like to have in the bridal bouquet? - Asked one of the servants showing her the flowers that they had brought for her choice

(Y/N) observed all the flowers and could see among them the same flowers that Katakuri had given her days before

-Those are beautiful- she said pointing to the Camellias

-Those are Camellias, they have a beautiful meaning depending on their color- said one of the servants showing the flowers to her -white for adoration, pink for longing and red for love, passion and deep desire- said another servant finishing a little bouquet with those three colors before showing it to (Y/N)

-I that's what those flowers meant- (Y/N) says feeling her vision blur a bit due to the tears accumulating in her eyes -You are so cruel Katakuri...confessing without using words and even more so when I thought I had no chance with you- she says at last letting the tears flow

-Oh no! we made the bride cry! -the servants shouted terrified, trying to calm her down and bringing her handkerchiefs

In another place in Big Mom's tower

-Katakuri big bro? Why did you call me? - Asked Brulee entering his brother's room

-Brulee I'm going to need your help to get (Y/N) out of the wedding tomorrow- says Katakuri

-Katakuri big bro, are you planning to stop Oven big bro's wedding? - asks Brulee excitedly

-Oven?...Oven is not going to marry (Y/N), after I spoke with mama that day, I became the groom for the wedding- said Katakuri looking at his sister

-Eh?! if you are the groom, then-...- said Brulee

-She doesn't want to get married so I have a plan for her to escape from tomorrow's wedding, but I'm going to need your help- said Katakuri

-She doesn't want to marry because she thinks she will marry Oven big bro but-...alright big bro I'll help you, but I assure you it won't be necessary- says Brulee smiling

-What do you mean? - Katakuri asks

-You'll see for yourself, until then I wish you two happiness- says Brulee smiling leaving the room leaving her brother very confused

The next day (wedding day)

The guests had already arrived, everything was prepared and the wedding cake looked appetizing. (Y/N) was ready, she looked beautiful with her dress and bouquet of flowers in hand, waiting for the servants to indicate that it was time to meet the groom and when that happened she was walking slowly to the room where, to her surprise, there was Katakuri wearing a fitted white suit and with his inevitable scarf but this time it was completely white. 

-Uh?! Katakuri, what are you doing here?! - (Y/N) asked confused

-Well I'm the groom- Katakuri says admiring the beauty of who is meant soon be his wife

-I thought it was someone named Oven!- she says still confused

-Yes, I took care of changing that, but that is not important now, I need you to listen to can run away, now is your chance, you can be free from this...I know you don't want this- said Katakuri looking at (Y/N)'s eyes, touching her face -Brulee can make a copy of you with the help of the mirrors, that will give you time to flee with your father...if you go to the coast there will be my ship waiting for can find the person you really love and run away...I want you to be happy-

(Y/N) was in shock, Katakuri went to all this trouble of making a plan for her to run away because he knew she didn't want to get married to an stranger, but here she was and it's not an stranger, it's Katakuri, the man she has been in love for months and she knows she can not run away from him, at least not now that she knows that she can have him, so she takes all the courage that she have and pulls on Katakuri's white suit to have his face on the same level as hers and lowering his scarf a little she does what she have wanted to do for so long, kiss him.

The kiss lasted a little but it was enough to take Katakuri by surprise, who kept looking at (Y/N) stupefied.

-It's has always been you, with your kindness, with your endless love for doughnuts and the cute smile you hide under your scarf every single time I brought you doughnuts...I love you Katakuri...a lot, I'm not running away, I'm going to marry you and that makes me happy!- (Y/N) says hugging him tightly

-So, are you okay with the idea of ​​marrying me? - Asked Katakuri

-I'm more than okay with that, it has been my dream for a while- she says happily

-Finally!!, you two are so slow- says Brulee smiling from the door -hurry up, mama is eager to taste that wedding cake- says Brulee happy for the couple

-let's do this Katakuri, I want to be your wife- she says smiling while pulling Katakuri by the arm

Katakuri seemed to still need a moment to assimilate what was happening, the woman he loved not only corresponded to his feelings but also longed to marry him.

There was surely a sweet destiny awaiting for him once he walks out of that door and he was more than happy to welcome it.

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