Chapter 4

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After the King of the red wings was gone, in the afternoon Big Mom announced the arranged marriage, her children were surprised because they did not understand what made the Red Wings so special, so after she explained the ability that the red-winged race possess, they understood how beneficial it would be to have that with them. 

-Well, then it's decided- says Big Mom looking at her sons -Now, which one of you will be the groom...Oven!, you will marry her, I'm sure you will be able to control her- she said smiling

-Leave it to me mama, I'll make good use of her- says Oven satisfied with the idea of ​​having a beautiful wife with an ability that could make him invincible.

-It will be a great wedding and the best of all will be that in addition to obtaining great ability, there will be a wedding cake MaMaMaMa- said Big Mom laughing delighted with the idea of ​​soon being able to eat that delicious cake

When Brulee heard the news, she felt guilt since she was the one that gave all the information to mama, now her friend should marry one of her big brothers without her consent, felt that it was her fault for taking away (Y/N) happiness and freedom. Besides knowing that (Y/N) already had a love interest, after all this time it was obvious how she looked at Katakuri and even more so with the fact that her older brother seemed to correspond to (Y/N) feelings in the special way he treated her.

Katakuri was not present at the wedding announcement, as he was having his merienda with (Y/N). So after the meeting with Big Mom's children finished, Brulee went in search of her older brother to break the news.

After a couple of hours of looking for him through mirrors, she found him walking in one of the hallways of Big Mom's tower. 

-Katakuri big bro!! - Brulee called him coming out of the mirror -mama gave an important announcement this afternoon- she said

-Brulee... - Katakuri said when he saw her -what was it about?-

-Mama spoke about the information I gave her about the red wings and she has an arranged marriage planned...Oven big bro is going to marry the princess of the red wings so mama can have the healing ability in her hands- said Brulee seeing her brother's eyes widened by the surprise for a few seconds and then his calm look was back again -I'm afraid to know how Oven big bro is going to treat (Y/N), after all he is really interested in her healing ability- says Brulee worriedly

-I see...- says Katakuri starting to walk again, but this time in the direction of where Big Mom usually gives her announcements and eat her sweets.

-Katakuri big bro, what are you going to do?! - Asks Brulee seeing her brother walk away

-I need to talk with mama- Katakuri said, following his way down the hall. 

Katakuri was sure that he could convince mama to make him the groom for the wedding, he would do what was necessary to keep (Y/N) safe from his family.


With Big Mom

-Mama, Katakuri-Sama wishes to speak with you- announced one of the servants letting Katakuri enter the room where Big Mom was enjoying some sweets.

-Katakuri?, What do you need?-Asks Big Mom looking at her son

-Mama, I want to be the one who marries the red-winged princess- says Katakuri firmly -I don't know why you chose Oven but it is clear that I would be a better option to get the red-winged princess ability-

-Uhm?, I thought of you from the beginning, that you could benefit from a wife who is capable of healing you in seconds, but you always considered this arranged marriages a bother, so I thought that one of your brothers would be a better option- says Big Mom looking at Katakuri -But if you are interested in marrying the red-winged princess, go ahead, there will still be a wedding cake, which is the most important thing MaMaMaMa- Big Mom laughs thinking on the delicious wedding cake that awaits for her -Everything has to be perfect-

Katakuri took it as confirmation that he will be the one to marry (Y/N), making him feel pleased -Thank you mama- Katakuri says

-Hey you, call Oven- Big Mom tells to one of the servants, while eating some cookies that she has next to her

Quickly the servant leaves the place and after a few moments returns in the company of Big Mom's fourth son

-I'm here mama, what do you need me for?- says Oven, standing next to Katakuri

-Just to confirm that there is a change of plans, you will no longer marry the red-winged princess, Katakuri will do it in your place- says Big Mom downplaying the news.

-What?! but mama, the power of fast healing was supposed to be mine!- says Oven as an angry child who was denied his desired toy -Oi Katakuri! You already are strong enough, with this power added to you-...-

-Exactly! with that added power Katakuri will be more than invincible! don't get in the way- says Big Mom looking at her fourth son intimidating him

-Ugh...yes mama- says Oven looking at the floor annoyed

After that Katakuri left the room being followed by his brother's angry gaze.


At (Y/N) house that night

(Y/N) finished preparing dinner -Father, dinner is ready! - she announced happily

(Y/N) was telling her father about her day while they ate -But as always I didn't get to hit him, Katakuri is very fast and very good at predicting attacks, he is better than many of the red-winged soldiers with whom I have trained befo-...Dad? are you okay? You haven't talked much and you've barely touched your food- she said worried about how thoughtful her father looked since she saw him when he returned home after being called by Big Mom in the morning

-I went to talk to Big Mom this morning, and she wants to reinforce the alliance she made with us...and for that to happen, she wants you to marry one of her sons- said her father looking at his plate

-Oh, I she finally stated the price for her kindness- says (Y/N) -Well I hope a get handsome husband- she says before continuing eating

-What are you saying (Y/N), that woman wants to force you to marry a stranger!!...she is going to be taking away your freedom!!- says her father -we shouldn't have come here, I'm so sorry...-

-Dad, I knew that something like this would happen...that sooner or later we would be having to give something in return for her kindness, so don't apologize for this...I'm glad I can do something so that my people can live quietly in a place where the variety is accepted and don't have to be persecuted- (Y/N) says as she reaches for her father's hand to hold it tight

-But-...- tried to say her father

-It's Okay dad, I can do let's eat, the food must be cold by now- says (Y/N) smiling warmly at her father

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