of all people (I-X-MMXXII)

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To speak the truth, I hate the sun
I never really let it kiss my hair
Yet I just forgot the stupid reasons why I did
Because you were there

Today, the sun kissed my face
and it felt warm
The warmth filled my cheeks
As if it's not the reason why the flowers he planted on the plant box died
It hurt too bad it got trivial for me now

You saw my house
This house is a reflection of me:
Messy, unmaintained, lifeless
You saw everything
and I wonder what I look like in your eyes

There's a slight stubble reaching your neck
I remember you complaining about why you had them
Because you always think it makes you hideous
But I find it cute,
Don't even bother asking me why, I just do

Of all the people who'd unexpectedly visit
You're the only one I'd open the door to
I'm not a fan of surprises
But you I'm okay with
I used to get nervous around other people
With you it's okay
I examined myself when you left:
I laughed the way I truly laugh
Of all the people, you managed to talk to my genuine side
and I'm glad -
I haven't really seen her in so long

I'm comfortable around you,
Thank you for today! ^^

To Fill or Burst, To Break or BuryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang