The Elder and The Children

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"Long time no see Senn," Thalleous said, and Senn ran up and gave Thalleous a big hug,"I thought you died!" Senn muttered, "It will take more than that to kill me," Thalleous joked before facing the two Felina children.

The elderly Ardoni squinted, then hastily limped forward on his cane towards the two Felina. "We were all worried sick! Why weren't you in the house? You could've caught a cold!" Thalleous spoke. Almost reminding Senn of Osivian when he schooled him and Ria as kids.

Both Macduff and Senus dropped down behind his legs. Macduff even blew a raspberry at the Ardoni which the Ardoni blocked with his hand.

"The house is so small! We can't run around and climb things, it's so boring!" He whined.

"And he's a real Ardoni too." Senus added quietly. "He's really, really warm too. He let us play with him."

Senus was still clinging to his white hair, burned ears pressed flat against his head.

As the Ardoni approached, Senn quickly raised a hand to keep him back. He didn't look angry and judging by the state of the children as a whole, he wasn't treating them badly.

But that didn't stop the clanless from using a firm tone to address him. And from Senn had read in those books he reads in Sendaria, Felina really like to climb since their homes are really high up so Senn decides to use that information to defend the children.

"They're Felina, at their age it's normal for them to be so clingy." He explained. "It's not natural for them to be this close to the ground. Most of their buildings are at least twenty meters up or higher."

Thalleous narrowed his eyes. "How would you know of these sorts of things? Aren't your people born from the mountainside or whatnot?"

Senn narrowed his eyes. "Those are Magnorites you're thinking of. Plus I remember reading about it" Senn adds

"He's Senn!" Senus cut in. "Senn the-the um!"

"Clanless Ardoni." His corrected.

His eyes the pattern of glowing white marks trailing over his skin, the horns and the enchanted, iron sword still lying in the dirt. The horse choose that moment to wake and shook his mane free of dust. Several voices behind them began to whisper and point at Senn.

"Well, it won't do any of us good if you two stays in here." The Ardoni turned to limp away, then looked over his shoulder. "And you, you may as well stay. I doubt I could kick you out even in my prime."

Senn couldn't help the snark. "A wise decision."

He led the horse out to stretch his legs, making sure to step carefully as both Felena boys practically hung off him. Though he forgot to duck through the doorway and bit his tongue to stop himself from swearing. All the children snickered and the elderly Ardoni made an approving sound.

It didn't take long for the rest of the children to start hounding him with even more questions.

"Why are you white? Are you made of iron?"

"Unfortunately only my sword is."

"Why are you glowy?"

"I am an Ardoni."

"Where do you live?

"In Sendaria."

"Where's that?"

He made sure to duck this time as he entered the homestead. It was appropriately messy for how many children were living here. Though Senn didn't see any other adults - Felena or Human or even Ardoni - coming to help with the herd. The elderly Ardoni took off his cloak and gestured to the living room.

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