Making A Safezoon

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As morning approached the sun's rays hit the Sender's face almost atomically waking him up. As Thalleous rubes his eyes he can smell something delicious cooking it was the smell of fresh bacon, eggs and even fruits as well.

As Thalleous made his way down the stairs he seeing the food set out of the table as he takes a seat and beings to grab a piece of bacon and begins to eat, "well I didn't know Ardoni had a thing for meat from what I've heard about you species" Ran says as he observes, "Well most Ardoni yes have a taste for fruit I've developed the test for meat during the Great War since berries and other fruits we're hard to come by" Thalleous respond and then Ran looks out the window with a worried expression, "you know we could use some like you around to keep our village safe. Most of the guards only know you to fend off bandits but they don't know you to fight the undead" Ran explained then Thalleous perked up in curiously, "what are you impaling" Thalleous asked as Ran takes a seat across from Thalleous he looks at him with a firm look," I'm asking you to stay here and protect us. We could use someone like you especially for the children of this town and at that old orphanage" Ran explains which brings shock to Thalleous's face especially when the word " Orphanage " was mentioned, "what do you mean Orphanage" Thalleous asked and Ran gave him a frown, "there is this old orphanage just down the road with a bunch of children there and the old caretaker died trying to protect them from a blaze attack a few months back. They really could use you and I even bet they'd love to see an actual Ardoni" Ran says with a smile then Thalleous thought for a moment is he for real I mean me a great Ardoni champion taking care of children. Well, this town does seem to need some sort of protection I guess, "very well I'll look into it and thank you again for your hospitality sir Ran al' Thor" Thalleous says, and he made his way out the door.

Thalleous walks along the road with Timber by his side as they make their way to the orphanage. When they see a group of guards training with swords.

As Thalleous made his way up the road he finds the orphanage with large metal gates that say Welcome at the top.

As Thalleous opens the gate and enters he sees a house with a Barnhouse next to it. When Thalleous made his way to the stables he saw only a sheep with its lam and manage to find an empty stall for Timber.

As Thalleous made his way to the house he saw there was light coming from the top level and thought he caught a glimpse of a child but just shrugged and find the keys under the door mat and opens the door and walks in unaware that he was being watched.

The house was a bit bigger than the healers and see of the same stuff. There was even a living room area with shelves full of books am a few toys laying around and as Thalleous was setting his sword down he could hear miner whispers and even a few giggles when he looks out the corner of his eye, he could see a group of small children on the stairs watching.

From the looks of it the house was nice so that's a good thing and the place was pretty clean and Thalleous couldn't help but hear the giggles and whispers over and over again, so he thought he'd play a little game with the children to get them out of their hiding places, "well since no-one is here, I'll guess I'll leave" Thalleous says but just before grabbing the door handle, he felt something gab his hand. Thalleous looked down and beside him, a pair of Felina - both boys - with grey hair and matching green shirts were grabbing his hand looking sad that Thalleous was going to leave, "please don't leave us" on of the boys says, "y-yeah we n-need you to p-protect us" the other response them Thalleous nelted down to meet the boys eyes, "I'll never leave you I was just joking to make you come out of hiding" Thalleous says to the children as the smile then give Thalleous a surprise hug before muttering Thank you and Thalleous hugs them back, "alright everyone you can come out the Ardoni is going to stay" one of the boys shouts as all the children come down the starts from Thalleous could see there was an bundence of children all from different species and age and to his surprise a few Ardoni children, 3 Sendaris triplets if Thalleous has to guess, 2 Nestrois, 1 Mendoris and the rest clanless, "are you really going to tell care of us" a female Meif'wa asked.

She had pink hair and golden eyes with black eyes and tail with a hot pink bow in her hair, "yes I'll keep you safe and protect you from whatever comes our way" Thalleous response as all the children cheer Thalleous gets back up and leads all the children to the kitchen to prepare to eat and for that day forth Thalleous made Pikoro Village a Safe zoon!!!

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