Yes, the mothership itself was massive, but as Vree drove us into the port it revealed levels upon levels of floors, railed walkways, ladders, stairs. The port itself seemed like it had an infinite ceiling, the entire parameter looking like it could fit a tiny village or shopping center.

There were different ships everywhere, from tiny, compact single seater jets like the one Vree took me in the first time, to saucers, to spaceships the size of busses. Some were parked and stored behind what I could only explain as high-tech garages, with touch screen glass doors and holograms listing what could be specs or information about whatever was in the garage.

Some spaceships, were "parked" along rails with tubes and cords connecting them to other machines.

Robots hovered up and down the levels, floating dutifully from one area to another. Some Frivrok men were in small hovercrafts, fixing ships or working with equipment I couldn't understand.

I blew some air out, "Wow. . . look at that." My eyes were glued to the operation all around me. The center of the port had a long landing strip, where machinery and crates lined the edges. He steered us along it, and then eventually steered the ship upwards, going up about fifteen levels before driving the spaceship itself along a railway.

Holograms lit up as we passed certain areas in the port, I couldn't read or understand any of it, but I assumed it must've been some type of direction. I felt like we were finding our way around a gigantic freeway, storage unit, repair shop, and dealership combined.

Vree was fiddling with coordinates and communicating on the intercom, until finally he pulled up into a corner leading into another long alley of parking garages, ships, repair stations, and storage. Frivrok men were walking up and down the rails, going about their business.

I frowned, "So many are working. Don't they want to check out the festival?"

"No reason to. Maybe some will stop for food, but other than that." Vree shrugged, pausing in front of a rather large garage door that was unlit, and looking through the glass, empty.

"You can imagine," he continued, "they would not want to be around the presence of so many females, when they do not have one."

The glass door lit up as he got nearer to it, and then he began tapping away at the motherboard. The systems must've communicated in some way, because the garage door opened, and he parked us neatly inside. On the motherboard he began going through what looked like shutting down protocols, flipping switches, turning off the engine and whatnot.

"I just feel so bad for them," I stayed seated patiently as I waited for him to finish, "Like not even just to go and be with the boys? Grab a few drinks? I don't know."

He pressed a button to open the door of the ship, I followed him to it. In response to my questions he affirmed to me, "They have plenty of alcohol if they'd like already. There is nothing we do not offer them. . . the festivals are mainly to welcome your people, and get them immersed in our world."

He hopped down from the ledge of the ship, the platform below us was steep. He held out his hand for me, but I didn't budge.

From this elevation, his chest was nearly at my feet. "Hmm. I don't know about this one captain." I tilted my head at the elevation, it was easier for him because he was so much taller than me, however I felt like I may break an ankle if I tried to do the same little hop step move he just pulled.

Without hesitation he dropped his hand and simply wrapped his arms around my calves, lifting me up. "Oh-" I was surprised at the sudden contact, but enjoyed the brief warmth. Frivrok men did run warmer than us.

Abducted | Book 1 | VreekarWhere stories live. Discover now