(y/n) watched as the parrot put his phone down for once and stared at him watching as his face morphed to delight in multitudes, "I JUST HAD THE BEST IDEA EVER!" (y/n) had to, they just couldn't resist the opportunity that had been handed to them. "Wait, you have ideas?!" (y/n) feigned a fake shock as their smugness from earlier came back plastering an amused smirk on their face. Mark, who had a spoon full of smoothie, opened his eyes and whipped his head at first angry at the statement but when he realized it was only meant for amusement he just shook his head deciding to not give the energy to combat (y/n) statement. "My idea is that you come with me to Waddle today! Y'know since im probably gonna force you to visit a lot anyways might as well start getting used to my company's layout now!"

(y/n) thought for a second, he did have a point there plus it'd be a good activity to get their mind off the situation that they were in. "Consider it more like a tour than a Husband bringing their partner to work but either way we will both be going there a lot." (y/n) stood up collecting their plate "I don't have much of a choice do i?.'' Mark smiled ignoring (y/n)'s previous statement and doing some silent finger guns and signature pew pew pew's, "perfect!! I'll get ready then!! With that mark just absentmindedly dropped his bowl and plate in the sink causing (y/n) to step away a bit shocked at the water that splashed back on them but before they could retaliate mark was already gone to his room to change into his usual outfit. "I needed to change anyways," sighed (y/n) still annoyed but absent mindedly, finished washing the dishes before going back to their own room to change once again for the day.

It wasn't a long drive really, Mark wanted to be close to his company in case something happened and he wasn't the one who caused it. The building was sharp and minimalistic, basically everything mark wasn't, (y/n) and mark stepped out of the waddle car they had taken and almost in a second mark seemingly had spawned a hoverboard from his pocket. "Well (y/n) welcome to Waddle!!" cheered mark in his usually quirky and upbeat tone, (y/n) looked the buildings outside upland down before taking the lead to absentmindedly make mental notes. Mark was offended by their nonchalant attitude, usually people would be ecstatic to be beyond the gates let alone in his presence so this experience was humbling to say the least. He zoomed to their side as soon as he snapped out of his offended daze to give them the official tour, mark began with the usual starting with the outside trampolines all the way to the indoor check in desk which was, still despite the ant complaints, made of candy. The silence that emitted from (y/n) began to get to him as he pressed his beak into a thin line and furrowed his brows in a worried fashion.

(y/n) was impressed they had to admit though they also mentally nit picked the flaws that some of the companies had, "well mark you at least know how to make your employees happy and work hard i can say that." (y/n) looked up a smirk on their face that dropped as they noticed a relife wash over mark, was he seriously nervous over them not liking it? Mark's cocky attitude returned not too long after as he jumped off his hoverboard " of course i do! Why make work boring? No one wants that blegh!" he was so dramatic but his words did hold some truth to it. "I think i'm gonna go explore the place, as you said earlier i need to get used to the floor plan and there is no better way to get to know a place than getting lost in it multiple times." (Y/n) stated with a stupid confidence before setting off. Mark was about to open his mouth to state something but was cut off "don't worry i wont go into your office without you." Mark was pleased that they remembered in spite of all the emotional drag that happened last night.

It had been a few hours since (y/n) had gone off on their own and Mark had gotten a little worried that they had actually gotten too lost, especially after they stopped uploading to their story on their social page. He was tempted to call security till he heard some voices, amongst them was the familiar voice of his fiance (y/n). He peeked his head around the corner to see them perched on a table laughing with two of his employees seemingly being caught in the middle of some sort of joke or funny story. Mark, being the gossip girl he is, decided to eavesdrop and listen to what they were talking about, they seemed to finish the joke as the laughter roared back up in their throats echoing through the hallways. Eventually all began to calm down as the voice of a male employee rang out through his ears "Man Miss.(Y/N) you're a hoot how come we never seen a pretty bird like you around here?" chortled out the male with a flirtatious undertone making Marks pin feathers begin to stand on edge. "Yeah!" piped another voice, "especially with Chu being Mark's fiance and all that jazz."

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