11. Cunning Fox-tailed peice of SH...

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"Wait a second Vihaan. I went to the cliff where Kabir and Vansh were fighting immediately, when I saw Vansh being taken away in the police van and before that I was at the warehouse trying to save Ragini from her kidnapper..."

WAIT WHAT?! Vansh was stunned speechless.
"You were with Ragini and you were trying to save her before Vansh got arrested?" Vihaan asked trying his best not to sound suspicious, exactly how Vansh was feeling right now. It was so confusing!

If Riddhima was trying to save Ragini why did she give clues to Kabir that made Vansh the murder culprit? Or was this another one of her lies to make herself seem innocent and the victim. Vansh was sure it was the latter because he knew Riddhima very well now.

Riddhima was mentally slapping herself, she couldn't believe she had been so stupid to let that slip out of her mouth. She knew Kabir has been Ragini's kidnapper and had killed her. Anupriya and Kabir had confessed everything in-front of her that day, but how could she let this slip information in-front of Vihaan. She knew he wouldn't let this go, she had to do something now, fast.

Riddhima had to change the topic. "So..." she started, "I was going to tell my family the real reason Vansh died, but Mummyji took me to the corner and told me that she said the lie because she didn't want the family to think less of Vansh and asked me to keep up the same lie. I agreed with her, I was so stupid." Riddhima said in remorse when she recalled how manipulative Anupriya  is towards the family.

"Stupid?" Vansh echoed, becoming more confused as the conversation went. He could understand that Riddhima was not realizing a lot of things that were coming out of her mouth, but he knew Riddhima had an habit was saying whatever was on her mind when she was deep in thought.

He was grateful for Mom's lie and knew that the truth would really break his family and whatever she did was for their best, but everything became a question again when Riddhima said the last line. Why was she stupid? Did something happen that made her feel the lie wasn't worth it? Or did she want the family to see Vansh in a bad light, was that her motive after his death?

Vansh couldn't understand either what made Riddhima do all this to him. It was obvious she wasn't a cop or a spy professionally, then why go to such lengths to destroy Vansh? Or why she was still in this house after her work of finishing him was over?

Riddhima couldn't believe how dumb she was being today, how can she let so many things slip out of her mouth so casually, especially infront of a conceited, cunning person like Vihaan. She really had to catch hold of the situation before he blew it out of proportion and Riddhima couldn't handle it anymore.

"Vihaan, you have to help me find out who drugged Sia today. It's very suspicious and a threat, which needs to be solved immediately because I can't bear any harm on Sia after all that she has done for me. She's my sister afterall." Riddhima was trying to change the subject. Praying that Vihaan wouldn't hold onto the words she said before and she heaved a sigh of relief when Vihaan took her bait and got more focused on Sia.

Vansh knew what Riddhima was doing, it wasn't the first time she had tried to distract him from a topic to save herself. But he also knew persistence on the topic wouldn't give him any answers, especially with Riddhima. She was very good at hiding things and making herself seem innocent. But Sia's matter was also one of very much importance to Vansh so he welcomed the distraction with open arms.

"Dollar biwi, dollar biwi... yeh sab mere Kaam thodi. Mera kaam sirf yaha Vansh ki acting karna Aur paise kamana hai. (This work isn't mine, my work is only to pretend to be Vansh and earn money) Don't stress me too much or you know my pay chart has a very open policy to change and increase. And I don't think if I increase my prices now, you will be able to afford me. So keep the detective work to yourself and send me some good food on your way out." Vansh knew Riddhima would never back down from her habits and he couldn't tell her that him and Angre were already doing their work.

"Oh yes! Of course. How can you for once in your life be helpful towards someone. You can just be a conceited manipulator and a lazy bum. I'm stupid I asked for your help. You rest here mister and I'll go and do some actual work. Also for the food, take it yourself." Riddhima turned away for a second trying to calm herself down. This man infuriated her so much. But she had more important work to do.

Idiot, Stupid, Cunning fox-tailed peice of sh... Riddhima was murmuring to herself, giving some much needed names to Vihaan, while she got up ready to leave, when suddenly a hand held her wrist tight and pulled her back just as she had gotten up, making her trip and fall right into Vihaan's lap, his arms holding her steady.

She didn't realise that Vihaan had moved closer to her when she turned away and she was just hoping that he didn't hear the names she was just calling him. But her hopes got crushed when he opened his mouth,

"Cunning fox tailed peice of what now, dollar biwi, huh?" He stared at her with raised eyebrows, with a look of defiance as if telling her to defy him right now. But then he realised the position they were in and he looked into her eyes, she saw how his lips parted and his eyes softened. He kept looking at her eyes and she couldn't help staring back into his.

For a second his eyes went to her lips, before coming back to stare at her but it was enough to make Riddhima snap out of her trance. She tried to free herself from his arms but he held her tight. Vansh knew he slipped when he looked at her lips, her plump, soft lips. He had always wanted to kiss her, but they had never gotten that close to each other in the past, and now even if he did want to do it, he would never, after knowing the truth about Riddhima. So he looked back at her but she tried to pull free from him.

He had heard the colourful names she had been giving him when she was about to leave and he couldn't let this opportunity of teasing her go that easily. "What were you saying about me Dollar biwi, please continue. I would love to hear the names you were giving me." Vihaan said and Riddhima gave him an innocent smile.

"Who me? I didn't say anything at all. I was thinking of the food I will send you." Riddhima wasn't in the mood to argue anymore, and the change of subject was good for her.

"Oh really? Were you now? So I'm not an idiot, stupid, cunning fox tailed peice of sh.."

"Shawarma!!" Riddhima cut him mid sentence. "How about Shawarma, that's a good option right, I'll send that for you." Riddhima again tried freeing herself but Vihaan's hands wouldn't budge.

"Don't act innocent infront of me dollar biwi. You know that I know what you said and you are going to pay for it." Vihaan said with a smirk.

"I'm not giving you a single penny more Vihaan." Riddhima said in anger.

"Who said anything about money? You are going to do something for me as a punishment dollar biwi." Vihaan said with an evil smile and Riddhima was truly questioning her stars at the time.

"So you are going to..." Vihaan was about to tell the punishment when their heads turned together towards their room door, which was opened with a loud bang.

OMG OMG OMG!!!!! I'M SOOOOOOO SORRY MY SWEETHEARTS😭❤️ Apologising every-time is making me feel more guilty because I never stick to my words, so you guys have the right to virtually slap some sense into me. But I'm honestly veryyyy sorry for the late update. I'll be as regular as possible from now on.

How did you'll like the chapter??? It's been a long time so I've become a little bad at writing it but I'll improve in the next one for sure. Also how are you'll????????

The target for this update is 90 votes and 5 follows this time to unlock the next chapter! I know you guys will do it! I love you all!

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See you in the next part, RiAnshians! *hearts*

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