II: getting better

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 "I mean, he just freaked me out a little," I said, staring at my computer screen.

"Was he a reminder of your past? I do know that he worked for HYDRA as well," I flinched as Dr. Coleman said the name.

"Yeah, that might've been it. I used to train with him, and I was supposed to be his 'partner' or something," I squeezed the stress ball I had in my hand. "But I dunno. It could've just been the nightmare I had before I went to make tea."

"No, Charlie, I think we might have something here," Dr. Coleman hadn't taken her eyes off me for the entire video call. "You are scared of him because you had seen him around the place that you didn't like at all, so seeing him triggered wave of fear."

"I'm not scared of him!" I shouted. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell."

"You have nothing to apologize for. You were upset at yourself, not me. You were yelling at yourself, not me. If anything, you would need to apologize to yourself."

"Oh," I let the stress ball go a little. "Okay, then."

"Charlie, I have one thing to ask of you. You need a rock. Someone who can help you out with everything you've been going through," I nodded at the screen. "Do you know anyone who could help you, in that sense?"

"Well," I froze for a second, but then the answer immediately came to me. "Sam? I mean, he's helped me before. And he's worked with trauma victims."

"Perfect!" Dr. Coleman gave a small golf clap, warranting a giggle from me. "Now, I'll see you for our session in two days. Feel free to call me, and don't worry about bothering me. You come first. Plus, I am so bored these days. There's nothing to do around here."

I laughed a bit louder. She would always do this after calls or sessions, try to make me laugh to dissipate the tension. It worked every time, and it made me feel a ton better.

"And, Charlie, you're getting so much better," There it was. The 'getting better' card. Therapists always pulled that one. "You're going to do great, I can feel it. Goodbye!"

I waved goodbye to Dr. Coleman, then I shut my laptop. Setting the stress ball on my coffee table, I leaned back into my couch, the doors outside open to the warmth of August. I was clad in my paint-stained "Earth without art is just Eh" shirt and jean shorts, my arm mark being hidden by the sleeve. My body was practically melting into the couch cushions with how hot it was, and what I really needed right now was to go to the common room and talk to people. But, if I went to the common room, there would be a good chance that I would run into Barnes, and that was about the last thing I wanted to do. Maybe if I had someone there with me, though...

"Hey, FRIDAY?" I called out.

"Yes, Ms. Mitchell?" The disembodied voice responded.

"Hi, can you call birdbrain for me? Thanks," I said. I had nicknames for everyone in the compound, and they were all in my phone.

The line crackled to life. "Hey, Char. What do you need?"

"Hi, Sam. Do you think that you could come up to my room? I kinda want someone to come to the common room with me."

"Uh... sure?" It sounded like a question, though I knew that it was a statement. Sam usually sent answers to me that way. "I'll be up soon."

Sam honored his words, and five minutes after I hung up, Sam was at my door, knocking politely.

"Wow, birdbrain," I opened the door. "Where'd you learn that? I figured you would just yell from outside. Maybe all that time with Steve has finally given you some manners."

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