Chapter 10: Reunited

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"Welcome to Jinae, boys." Kaven smiled with a sigh at the sight of the vast hills and fields of the farmland for a town. They stood at the village's entrance, Welcome sign residing next to the small train station.

"That's a lot of...." Eren trailed off and Kaven snorted.


"Yep. Whole lot of it." Jean nodded in awe.

Kaven giggled and ushered them to go forth. They walked through the village that was unusually deserted. That made Eren nervous, making him rush them all out there and to the rural area, under Kaven's direction.

They went north towards to her house, using the same path her and Levi would take throughout the area. It was over grown now, but it still held a lot of memories through the vineyards.

And through the vineyard, Kaven spotted her home.

"There it is." She whispered and the boys looked and saw the large estate and barn.

"Wow. You guys are rich." Connie said shocked.

"My parents are rich." Kaven shook her head with a smile and kept low to the ground. Spies could be anywhere.
"I wonder where I could meet with them."

"I could go ahead. It's my turn to be a runner." Jean volunteered.

"Okay. Go on ahead." Kaven nodded towards the house Jean nodded and went.

It was a good ten meters away. Jean quickly and quietly cut through the vineyard to reach the house. It was broad daylight, and he needed to be quick.

He ran up the porch and knocked quickly and knocked on the door semi-loudly.

"I'll get it!"

"What the—" Jean whispered in disbelief.

That was Armin's voice. Jean's eyes widened as the door opened to reveal his blue eyed, blonde best friend from high school.

Jean watched as Armin's eyes widened with shock and disbelief.

"Oh my—Jean!?" Armin exclaimed but quickly hushed himself with his hand.

Mikasa, who was inside replacing the water for a vase of roses, heard Armin's exclamation and immediately rushed over, forgetting the roses.

She ran into view of the door and breathed out a relieved and in distress sigh.

"Oh my goodness! Jean!" She rushed over and immediately engulfed him in a hug. Jean gasped at her quick physical contact but melted into her touch. He hadn't gotten a hug from her in a while.

"Where's Eren and Connie? Are they alright?" Armin asked frantically.

"Yeah, they're fine. They're with Kaven back that way. She was wondering if there was a safe place to meet." Jean replied and kept his words hushed.

"Who is it, Armin?"

A man entered the doorframe. Armin and Mikasa moved out of the way so he could get a look at Jean. At the sight of the teen, Micheal's face softened.

"Oh. You must be be one of my daughter's guardian angels. I've heard about you." Micheal smiled down at the boy.

"Kaven was wondering if there was a safe place to meet." Jean asked and Micheal nodded.

"Tell her to meet us at the old house after dark. She'll know what it means. If she asks for a key, tell her she doesn't need it. I'll bring Isabel, her mother. And you two since you guys obviously know them." Micheal smiled and put his hands on both Mikasa and Armin's heads.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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