Chapter | 25 | The 20s

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Mystic Falls



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Stella woke up. Slowly, she opened her eyes only to be met with no one. The other side of the bed was empty. Well, not necessarily. On the top of the pillow where her lover was supposed to be resting, stood bunch of red roses and a note underneath them

The woman smelled the roses and smiled at how sweet their scent is. Carefully, she picked the letter and opened

Dear Stella,

First, my deeply apologies for leaving so soon and without any proper goodbye. Unfortunately, I had to deal with some inconvenient problems, but I will talk to you later.
I want to thank you for the marvelous night we had together, and remind you of how beautiful and exquisite you are.
As for the roses, I trust they still are your favorite flower. Accept it as an apologetic gift for my lamentable act of leaving so soon

I hope to see you soon,
Yours forever,
Elijah Mikaelson

Stella shook her head and got up. She didn't liked to be left alone in the morning after such amazing night. Well, at least she received roses, it's been awhile since that happened


Stella entered the dining room, and saw the others eating their breakfast. She quietly sat down and start eating as well

Roman had a smirk on his face while giving her looks that were start to annoy her. Even Alexander couldn't mask his little smile

"What is it?" She asked while putting some strawberries on her plate

"Nothing" Alexander said

"Then why are you two morons smiling for nothing?" She asked

Roman couldn't hold it anymore

"Last night must have been amazing" He said still smirking

Alexander start laughing making Eliza and Stella look at him with one eyebrow raised

Of course they would hear. Stella was so embarrassed for not even thinking about that possibility. They were vampires, of course they would hear Elijah and Stella

"Respect me, Alexander, I still am your older sister. Do I have to remind you of how many times I've heard you and your wife?" She said making him wide his eyes and Eliza to hide her red face

Stella | E. MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now