"y/n! over here."

"oh xiao, there you are!" y/n said.

"i was out on an errand so i wasn't able to wait at the inn like usual. sorry for the inconvenience," xiao responded.

"oh that's fine! you don't have to be so formal though xiao, we're friends after all!" y/n chucked, punching xiao's shoulder a bit. caught off guard by this action, xiao froze in place for a bit, before giving y/n a soft smile. a light shade of red dusted his cheeks as he soon let out a small laugh. it had been a while since he could be this open around anybody.

it had been more than a month since y/n and xiao started training together. y/n was improving incredibly and slowly returning to their old shape, being able to take on multiple enemies at once. the two had gotten a lot closer, and xiao was warming up to y/n once again. though neither said so, it reminded them of the old times, them training together and being more comfortable with each other again.

"i have the whole day off today AND tomorrow, since ningguang thought that everyone deserve at least a small break before lantern rite preparations start. sooo basically i have a lot of time in my hands to train," said y/n. "i was thinking that, if you're not too busy, we could spend some time together too, since i won't be able to see you until at least a week because of the festival." they seemed flustered and looked at the ground, fidgeting with their hands.

"i'd like that too. we should use the time we have wisely and productively. how about we finish training today quickier than usual, so we'd have more time?" xiao said

"sounds good!"


after some time going around liyue and taking out mobs of enemies, they ended up in the one grass plain they always trained in. they were currently working on increasing attack potential. y/n had a lot of experience with this matter, but their skills were rusty due to ages of not training regularly. xiao was able to teach them more about conserving energy and strength while still making their blows extremely powerful.

though at times they needed to be serious, they always had fun while training; playing around, making jokes every now and then, not a day had gone without the two enjoying each others' company.

soon enough, the sun was about to set. y/n and xiao headed back for the inn. y/n proposed that they have dinner together at the inn, and xiao happily agreed.

"xiao! would you like to try something new tonight? maybe I can try almond tofu and u can try my favorite dish, f/d," y/n asked.

xiao hesitated in answering them. he loved almond tofu so much and didn't want to eat anything but it. although perhaps, change can be a good thing.

"..fine. but only if i get to have almond tofu too," xiao answered. he pouted with his arms crossed, looking away from y/n.

y/n laughed a little. "of course you can have almond tofu too! who knew you could be such a kid sometimes."

xiao froze. kid-zoned. dang that cut deep.

"i-i'm not a kid!! i just like almond tofu. hmph."

"sure, sure," y/n responded.

they took a seat at at a table, the same one as last time, and enjoyed the rest of their dinner together.



i have a lot going on in my life rn- school, extracurriculars, sports, gaming, etc.



i wanted him ever since i started playing and finally got himmm tho i did lost 50/50 to qiqi first

well eITHER WAY he came home and im so happyyy

good luck to everyone on their pulls!!!!

thank you for reading this. please note that this was originally going to be much longer but i decided to publish this separately first coz y not ig

if u want to, please vote and/or leave comments!

see youuu

[ unedited ] 

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