"y/n," xiao said.

"y/n, wake up."

xiao nudged them a bit.

they slowly lifted their eyelids and realized who it was.

"xiao! what are you doing here?"

"you fell asleep in the grass, so i came to wake you up before it got too cold," he responded, standing up from where he was squatting.

"oh, i guess i didn't get enough sleep last night. thanks for waking me up!"

"you should take better care of yourself." a slight frown appeared on xiao's face.

"..well if that's all, i'll get going-"

"wait!" y/n exclaimed.

xiao turned his head towards y/n.

"..since you're here already, why don't we have dinner together? i owe you one anyway."

xiao thought for a second, before replying.


y/n was surprised to hear his response, as they weren't expecting him to agree. they immediately started to think of places they could eat at. the first to pop up in their mind, wangshu inn, was perfect since they knew xiao loved smiley yanxiao's almond tofu. 

"..how about wangshu inn?"


a silence enveloped the two as they headed towards wangshu inn, though it was comfortable rather than awkward. y/n took in the beautiful scenery as they walked, and xiao gazed at them, amused by their various expressions. once they looked towards him, he'd look forward and hide his smile. a bit later, they arrived at the inn.

they sat down at a table, across from each other.

"you can order as much as you want, i'm paying!" y/n exclaimed with a big smile.

"no need, i'll go with my usual," he responded as he called someone to place their order. they had a good meal while discussing their lives as of recently.

"so, how's it going?" y/n asked.

"mm it's no different than before; fulfilling my contract of protecting liyue."

"i see.. well the people of liyue will always look up to you and be indebted to your services, me included."

"i guess so... thank you for the reassurance." xiao looked up at y/n with a small smile.

"oh, what about you? how's the qixing and the others? how's ganyu?" he continued.

"everything is going great! we're finally getting back to normal after the reawakening of osial. liyue recovered quite well from it. the qixing and ganyu are doing good too! ganyu and i have really looked forward to meeting with you again soon, so next time i'll bring her if that is okay!"

y/n was part of the liyue qixing, along with being half adeptus. they carried an anemo vision and used a polearm, similar to xiao. they used to train together with the others, a long time ago.  y/n was also very close with ganyu, yanfei, keqing, ningguang, and many other people from liyue. the qixing got along quite well, but were super focused and hard working otherwise. 

"that's nice to hear," xiao responded.

"...maybe i can help you out with rounds someday! it must get boring sometimes, by yourself."

"sure, i like that idea," he replied, a hint of a smile on his face. he was looking forward to fighting along with his friend once again, even if it was only for a little while.


sooo how do you like it so far?? please comment any thoughts, or anything in general! tysm for reading~

[ partially edited ]

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