"Heaven Bound"

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"That car right there Daniel..." I just stared at it. "DANIEL!" Huh? "Go pick it up." How? "Have you ever done curls?" Yeah with dumbbells. "Well treat it like a big dumbbell then." Ugh fine. This guy's lost his mind.
Uugghh. I put my hands under the front of the car. I started pushing upward.
Yeah I don't think I can do this Gabriel. The car door was one thing, but lifting an entire car is insane. "You're already doing it." Huh? I looked towards the car. I didn't even notice, it was at least five feet off of the ground. This is impossible. How am I doing this? BOOM! The car fell right back down.
"You gotta have faith in God, if you want to use any of the power that he gave you." What? I didn't have faith in God when I jumped 700 ft. "It took you an hour to get here, you're exaggerating your distances." Whatever, in my head it was 700 ft. "If only you knew the potential of your power. You'd want to praise God more." Yeah, and how do I know that God is real anyways? Maybe I'm just going crazy. "Because we're here." Yeah, there was an explosion in space, science explains it all. "Really, how exactly did the universe start." There was a small particle and "Wait, there was a particle? A particle? Something you couldn't see. Well let's say it was a particle. Where did this particle come from?" Uh, it, it created itself. "It created itself? Is it really easier to believe in a particle than it is to believe that we came from one beings imagination?" Whatever man, nothing is impossible. "You're reading it wrong Daniel." What do you mean I'm reading it wrong? "Nothing is impossible. You're reading it wrong. It didn't mean that anything is possible, it just means that "nothing" itself is literally impossible." Huh? "Try to imagine "nothing". Tell me what you see." Uh, I see, I see darkness. "Well if you could really imagine nothing then you wouldn't be able describe it, because it wouldn't have any description, it would be nothing." What's your point? "There is no such thing as "nothing". Which means that there was always something. And God was that first something." That doesn't make sense, who created God then? "God was always here, he's a force that has no beginning and no end. Don't try to understand it the created can never fully understand it's creator." What does this have to do with anything? "Stop doubting God Daniel. You're only hurting yourself. Use your strength, and lift the God damn car. You can't leave until you've lifted it at least 100 times." You can't be serious. "NOW!" Okay, fine. I started lifting the car.
Daniel kicked down a tractor. I flinched a little. What the hell is his problem?
I got finished, after about an hour. I was tired out. Gabriel? Where did he go? I looked back towards the cave, he was sitting in front of it, he looked tired too. I jumped back, this time I didn't land in the streets. But I did crack the floor a little bit.
It took me 30 minutes to get back, I was getting better. I landed in front of him again. Gabriel...You okay? "You don't understand. None of you humans ever understand, God has done a lot for you, and for YOUR mistakes! The least you could do is make knowledge to his existence, you people make me sick. You have the gift of life and you waste it on complaining about what you don't have, instead of appreciating what you do have, which is free will, and love and..." I get it Gabriel. I would say I'm only human, but we know that's not true. I'm sorry. And I apologize to the "big guy" too. I'll, I'll try to have more faith. "Thank you. Get some sleep. Tomorrow you learn how to fight. Clean yourself up in the lake at the back of the cave. Don't worry, it's clean." Thanks Gabriel.
I went to clean myself, and I hung up my gear. My heart felt, lighter. What he said about God made a lot of sense. I have a lot more questions for him. But I'll have to save it for tomorrow. Lord help me, I apologize for being an asshole. Amen.

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