"The Iron Giant"

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It's 5 am, I finally fell asleep at midnight last night, and I was feeling great, resting, but of course that couldn't last. Gabriel poured water on my face, ice cold water. "Wake up kid, we don't have time to get comfortable."
What the fuck? I said the words in my head, I didn't want to get a lecture from him about my language. "Come on get up, I'll be outside, your gear is hung up on the corner stone of the cave." Wait my gear? How do I know how to put it on? "You'll find a way." Ugh. I hope all angels aren't like that. "I heard you, that mouth of yours is gonna cost ya." Whatever. I looked over to the side to see where this "gear" was. I was surprised to see what it was. It was, Olympian type armor, but modernized. Anyway it looked kick ass. I picked it up. And even with my strength it seemed a little more than light. "Hurry up." Yeah I'm comin, I'm comin. I ran to meet him outside. Soo Gabriel, how do I look?
"You can't be serious Daniel." What? What's wrong?
" It's on backwards."
Ooh. Sorry.
"You're gonna have a rough time kid."
I fixed my gear, now what?
"Well first off you're gonna start calling me sir." Sir? Just sir? "That's right." Okay then, yes sir. So, sir, what are we doing today? Running laps? Lifting weights? Fighting?
"Lifting weights? I guess you could say that."
Okay. *I looked around*
. So where are we? "We're in Rome." Oh, phew. So we're still in Georgia.
"There's a Georgia in Italy?" What!? What!? What the he..what the heck are we doing in Italy? "The demons don't have many places to settle here." Uughh.
"Where were you going to go anyway?"
Um, I...I don't know. "Then shut up and let's train." Fine.
I looked around again, waiting for Gabriel to give me instructions.

"You see that dump over there?" Where? I don't see anything.
"It's about  35 miles away."
35 miles!? How in the world would I see that?
"I don't know, the same reason you can break open bullet proof doors, heal from gunshots, jump hundreds of feet, and melt handcuffs. You just have to concentrate kid. Zoom in."

Zoom in? What the hell does he mean?

I looked forward, and I...I guess I zoomed in. I could see the dump clear as day.
"You see it now?"
Yes, yes I do.
"Then meet me there."

Gabriel flew off as fast as he could. I could still see him of course. He got to the dump in under minutes.
Okay, okay. I can do this. *gasp* I jumped again, but it felt better than before, and I had a guide this time. Holy shit, holy shit. I'm flying, I'm flyyyy. Aaaahh! I landed after getting 200 feet away from the cave. And I started breathing heavely. I can't, this is insane. *Wwoooahh*! I jumped again, I couldn't give up. Something told me that this would help me. Woohooooo!!! THUD! This time I landed in the middle of an Italian highway. Cars started honking at me. People yelling, but I couldn't understand them. "Uscire di strada.!!" I didn't need to speak Italian to know that I should move. BUMP! A car hit me at about 60 mph, and kept driving. Oh you mother fucker! I had to control my temper, but it didn't change the fact that that guy was an asshole. I just jumped again, angrily. Aahh! This time I got far, really far. I landed after getting 100 feet high, and 700 feet away from the highway. Uugh. I jumped again, 1000 feet this time. Yes, yes I'm doing it. But I'm not even 5 miles in yet. Might as well make it worth while. Wwwwooooohhhoooooo!!
I made it another 600 feet, this time I spun in the air right before I landed. I have to keep going. I continued jumping, getting a little dim on distance, but I'm getting there. I could see the dump about 100 feet away. My gear was starting to feel heavy. Just..one last jump. Aahhh! I landed feet away from Gabriel, who was eating pizza. My tongue was dry, I fell dramatically to the floor and took off my gear.
Phew. Finally, foooddd! I picked myself myself up and walked over to the pizza box. I looked inside, only ONE piece was left. Are you kidding me?? Only one piece Gabriel?
"Who said you were getting any in the first place?"
"Okay, now put your gear back on. We're just warming up." Uuuuffghhh. Fine.
"What, are you tired?"
No. I lied. I'm fine.
"Okay good, now the weight lifting. Begins. And you're probably wondering why you're in a dump." Yeah, why the heck are we in a dump? "It's the only place where people can't hunk at you for lifting their cars. And you'll start by lifting that.. Whaaat!? I interrupted. What makes you think I can lift a car? "I know you can lift it." Well you first sirr. If you can seriously lift a car, then I'll do whatever you say. "Okay. Let's make this fair, you pick one out." Uumm. I looked around the dump, and found the biggest thing I saw. There, right there, that truck. That should be what, 2 tons? That's impossible. "Okay." You're serious? "Yes, I don't lie."
He walked over to the truck. "Ehhem. Pay attention." His muscles extended at least 6 inches thicker than they were before, his veins started glowing. He gave a small grunt. And he lifted the truck, no, he threw it "Aaaahh!" His voice echoed like a lions roar. He's like an iron giant.
"Okay, now it's your turn." I'll pick something small. Fuck. I hate my life.

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