chapter eleven

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Hey y'all, hope you're having a lovely day :)

I edited the cover a bit so let me know what you think!! I changed my other books as well so there's kinda a theme lol

Quick A/N for this chapter - I don't know how laws and stuff work so what I wrote is probably not what would actually happen, but that's why we love fanfics and plot convenience :D


Peter woke up and had gotten what he asked for already. This was definitely better than yesterday and it was a hell of a lot different.

As he opened his eyes and sat up stretching, he checked to see that his bullet wound had healed into only a scab. Sighing in relief, he looked up and something caught his eye a few feet away. He got up, cautiously walking over to it, only to stop in his tracks.

It was his suit. Not the suit he needed to repair, but the suit he'd designed on his computer. The corners of his lips quickly turned up into a smile and he practically ran over to it.

It had everything he'd designed on his computer. It was a red and blue one-piece made out of elastic. The mask was separate, with white eyes outlined in black. It was exactly how he'd designed it. It was his dream suit.

Next to it, there was a note and an envelope. Peter sat down, gingerly setting the suit next to him, and picked up the note.

Hey kid,

If you're not going to come back to the tower, the least you could do is stay safe. You needed a suit, not a hoodie and some sweats. When you put it on, hit the spider emblem in the middle.

- You know who I am

P.S. - I hacked your computer to get the design. Don't expect an apology.

Peter laughed a little at the note and opened the envelope. His jaw dropped open as he saw what must've been at least $1000 inside. He knew Tony had money to give away, but this was a bit much, especially after already giving him the suit.

He tucked the money away into his wallet and eagerly changed into the suit. It seemed huge on him, until he hit the spider and it formed to his body. He hadn't designed that on his computer. A light laugh escaped his lips from pure happiness and amazement at the suit.

He pulled on the mask, already loving how the new suit felt, and flipped off the building, swinging away from the ground at the last second.

Rather than patrolling, Peter mostly just swung around in the new suit, testing it out. It was way better than his old one!

The smile only left his face when he saw a guy grab someone's bag and start running. Without a second thought, he swung after the guy. It didn't take long to catch up to him and web his feet to the ground while he tried to run.

The guy dropped the bag and Peter went to return it to the girl. Except, when he found her and flipped onto the ground, he wasn't expecting to see MJ standing there. Shocked, he handed her purse back but took a step back.

"Oh my god," she exclaimed, her mouth falling open. She was about to say his name, before looking around and stopping herself. "Uh, Spider-Man. Can I talk to you?"

Peter thought about it for a second, but didn't see the harm in talking to her. "Yeah. Yeah sure. Uh," he looked around before continuing, "over here."

He led them both into a hidden alley behind a few shops. After making sure there wasn't anyone back there, he turned to MJ.

"What the hell, Ben?" she started in a hushed voice. "Or, it's Peter now isn't it?"

"I can explain everything," Peter rushed out, putting his hands up.

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