Lunch Under the Stars

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Dream was back at his house, getting dressed in warmer clothes to go to Outertale, as it was normally really chilly there. Dream had accepted Outer's invitation to eat lunch, so he had to get ready.

Dream looked at his clock, which had way more hands then a normal clock usually had. In fact, each extre had was color-coded to match a specific AU, as most of them had a different time than the AU Dream was in. Dream scanned the colored arrows, looking for the one for Outertale. Over there, it was currently 10 minutes till noon, which is when Outer wanted to meet up with Dream. Pretty early for lunch if you asked Dream.

"Cutting it pretty close, huh, Outer?" Dream chuckled to himself, gathering a hoodie that he clumsily slipped on while trying to open a portal. Dream preferred to be early, and this was no exception.

As the skeleton adjusted the teddy bear hoodie he had on, he hopped through the portal and into Outertale.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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