Never again

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You hurt me and expect me to forgive you
No that's not how it works
You gave me the scissors
And now you regret it
Now I have a knife pressed to my rist
Because you hurt me and made me feel worthless
I thought cuttin you off would make it all go away
But I was wrong this knife does
It causes new pain that I enjoy
No one understands the joy it brings me
They call me attition whore when they see the marks
But I don't want attition I just want the pain to go away
So you've ruin my life for me
You think hurting me was nothing
Nothing at all that I'll be find and go on with life
But no here I am in the bath with a knife to the rist
I don't know if I'll stop this time
Maybe I'll take all the pain away by cutting a Little deeper
Deeper and longer
Not just once on my arm but many
Then the pain will be gone
No one will have to worry about me again
Never again

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