Thad gasped. "Oh my Stars, LF. Is that... do you...?"

"No!" She pushed him. "He's younger than me."

"So?" Thad said. At the same time, Wylan said, "way too young for you."

"Is this even a good idea?" She asked them. "I don't want to bring violence to someone else's doorstep."

Wylan's hand came to her elbow. He gently pulled her forward, out of the way of another passing Ace. "The home is a fortress," he told her in a tone as light as his touch a moment ago. "You're arguably safer there than anywhere else. Plus, a bit of spotlight—a photo here and there, and it makes you much harder to get rid of."

She frowned. "You want me to take photos with Kassian Williams?" She'd just disappear into the shadows again a few weeks from now.
And what would her parents think?

"Not deliberately," Wylan said. "But if a photo gets taken, it works out in our favor."

It still made little sense. Who would believe Kassian Williams would hang out with someone like her?

"Isn't he in school right now?"

"Markov Academy is off for break. This is the Isles' peak tourist season," Thad said. "They always get a week off around this time."

Markov Academy. It was Aeriana's prodigy school. Only the best of the best ended up there, or were granted access to the school. Set on the western side of the Isles, the school collected talent—singers, dancers, actors, musicians, athletes, academics. Either you were the best, or you knew someone, otherwise it was near impossible to get in.

Iris wasn't the best at anything. She'd hardly been adequate at most things. Markov was so far off the radar for her, it had been an impossibility when she was in school. Not that she'd ever wanted to go. Just the thought of having to prove your worth every day had her sweating. The amount of pressure the students were under had to be enormous.

The media always ate them up too. Because who didn't enjoy the drama of it all? Who didn't want to predict who would make it big and who would flounder?

"Is he actually your cousin?" She asked Thad.

She watched him glance over her shoulder, scoping the area again, before he said, "cousin is a bit of a stretch. More like we have the same ancestors. I see him occasionally at a wedding or holiday party."


What was that like?

And who else was at those parties?

Wylan glanced at his watch. "Ready? Car will be here in a minute and a half."

Iris adjusted her backpack strap. "Let's do it."

Sooner they got to where they were going, sooner she could embarrass herself in front of Kassian Williams. Might as well get it over with right at the beginning.



Thad saddled up next to Wylan, just one step behind Iris. "Garrick say anything?" he asked his partner under his breath.

"Kit's done an in-depth search. They passed. Loyalists. The Crown is set to approach them as well for discussions."

Thad clapped Wylan on the back. "Phew. Always glad to know we can trust family."

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