“Kai ?” she said innocently. “Get us a bottle extra añejo tequila –”
  “No , no. You have lost it. Are you sure ? That stuff is like really stro– ” he glanced at her with a mix of shock and amusement on his face. Y/N put her arm around his shoulder smiling innocently at him and his hand found its way on her waist again making her heart race like crazy ? “Oh-kay. What the lady said. Damn Y/N , maybe you are not as serious as I thought you were.”
  “Can we get this over with so I can get back home to finish my book ? I am right in the middle - ”
  “And there it is. What is that book about anyways ? Can’t be more interesting than spending time with me.” he wondered with a note of hurt in his voice.
  “Christian Grey is a good competition for you. ” she whispered in his ear before sitting on the stool next to him.

Kai looked at her with wide eyes as if seeing her for the first time. He had expected her to say it’s about something post apocalyptic since she appeared to like reading those quite a lot but not this. Perhaps he didn’t know her as well as he had thought.
  “There is no competition sweetheart.” he reached for the bottle just as the bartender gave it to them but Y/N was faster , pouring the liquid in the small glasses almost filling them completely. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. How had he missed seeing this side of her ? Maybe it had been because usually the parties had been happening on school nights when she had been studying. That he got , sort of.
  “Stop looking at me like that.”
Kai laughed under his breath. “Sorry , I just — I was thinking how , ahh never mind. Here , salt … lime -”

Y/N gripped his wrist licking the spot between his thumb and forefinger without taking her eyes off him , sprinkling a little salt on the spot

    “On three ?” she asked. Kai nodded still surprised at her behaviour. Y/N took her glass and he looked at her a little confused. “What ? In Mexico people drink it straight. I can go salt and lime for the next one -”

    “You are such a know it all.” he teased. Y/N tilted her head slightly , glaring at him. “Alright fine. We do it your way. One , two -  ”

Y/N looked into his eyes for a few seconds before drinking it in one gulp , throwing her head back before he had finished saying three. For a few seconds she closed her eyes , pressing her lips together while the alcohol burned its way down her throat. When her eyes opened Kai was looking at her with wide curious eyes and smile on his face.

    “How do you feel ?”

    “Like I need at least 5 more of those.”
Y/N laughed along with him, tapping her hands on the bar , motioning for him to get the next round ready. They went about eight rounds before he grabbed the bottle from her hands.

    “Alright , you are fun. I am very impressed but you are cut off.“ 

    “Oh-uh … the fun police is here. Now who is being the serious one ?” she pouted for a second.
  “I am being the responsible one , never the serious one.That’s your thing. Your friends will kill me if something happens to you.” he said holding the bottle over his head so she couldn’t get it. Not that it stopped her. Y/N kept trying to take it and their bodies kept pressing together. It felt as if electricity was floating between them, the feeling woke every fibre in his body and he found himself almost kissing her.
  “OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS SONG !” she placed her hands on his chest smiling wider than ever. There was something about her smile that made him smile. He had never seen her smile that much in the entire time they had known each other and she looked more beautiful than ever.
  “Y/N ? Wh-what are you doing ?!” he wondered looking around trying very hard to avoid any of her friends’ gazes while she climbed on the bar and started dancing on it , swaying her hips to the beat and throwing her hands in the air while singing along to ‘Sorry , not sorry’. Kai watched her dancing and laughing unable to tear his eyes off her wondering who this girl really was because she was the complete opposite of what he thought. A few moments later she almost slipped and he decided Y/N had had enough fun for one night ,  getting her off the bar almost in a flash.
  “Arrhhh –” she groaned , her hand reaching for her head.
  “I should probably take you home. You are drunk.” he held her steady.

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