Chapter 9 : 'Lunch Together'

Start from the beginning

Waitress: "  Good day" 

A nearby waitress said to us. " How many?" She asked. "A table for three please."  Kaito requested. 

"Sure. Go at the very end of this restaurant . The last table." 

"Okay, thanks." We all replied. 


Waitress: " I will be with you in a few minutes, okay?" 


" So, what do we do now?" Tae asked. "I don't know. We wait." I replied. 

"You know what, I should use the restroom." Tae said randomly. 


Xin-lang's P.OV  

I wish that Tae hadn't left me with Kaito here. Or was it intentional?  This is so  tricky. None of us wasn't talking or at least have the courage to start a conversation. 

" So-Kaito?" 


" What was your best friend like?" I asked  enthusiastically. "Um- She was kind, sassy just a little bit, adorable and kind of sweet actually. Why?" 

"No reason." I replied. 

"So you're just going to ask me questions like that without any reasonings?" 

"Yeah-" "Hmm." 

"Okay. So do you have other friends instead of Tae?" He asked. "Me? No. Tae's the only person who came up to me and saw me as a 'good' person. I never told her to become my friend but maybe sometimes we need certain people in our lives." 

"True; but when you say 'good' person, do you mean that other people in the school never liked you?" 

"That's right." 

"I mean if you asked me, I found you very riveting the first time you spoken to me." 

Jeez. Why is he telling me this now? Does he not realize what his telling me? 

"Thank you-"  I said nervously. " I also found you very um-you know, interesting."  

"Really?" "Yep." 

"Sorry guys I had to leave, but it was flowing heavy." Tae said while coming back to our table. 

"What are we talking about?" She asked. "Nothing. We were saying how beautiful this place was." Kaito replied. 

"The chairs um, the silk tables, um- food." I continued.  " The food hasn't even been served so how is that possible?" She asked being concerned. 

Waitress: "What can I get you all?" 

"Right. I would like, the chicken flamingo dish and a glass of water." Tae replied. 

Waitress: "Okay. And you two?" 

"Um, can I get shredded chicken and sweet dumplings? If it isn't already sold out." I said. 

Waitress: " Yes it still has more. Would you still want it?" "Sure." 

"I will have what Xin's having, thank you." Kaito ordered. 

Waitress: " Okay. And any drinks for the both of you?" "No." 

"I don't want anything." 

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