Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I turn around.

He smirks. He's wearing black expensive clothes and his black hair looks like a mess.

- Onyx?

- Well, hello, Blonde. Happy you remembered my name.

- What are you doing here? Weren't you gonna stay with those boys?

- We needed to lunch somewhere, Logan talked about this place, and here we are. You? - Probably not a good idea to let him know where I'm staying. The thing is, I don't know him. I don't like the idea of him knowing where to find me. Of anyone else knowing where to find me, considering that he has a mouth and he can do whatever he wants with that information. I know it's probably not the case, but he could be a Death Eater, who knows? Or his parents. He definitely behaves like the only child of a rich slytherin family. And, usually, rich slytherin familys are Death Eaters. And spoiled. Spoiled Death Eaters. Now, that's dangerous.

- I was taking a walk on the Diagon Alley, and needed to eat, too. I asked that man on the counter if they served lunch. What were you doing down here?

- What were you doing down here?

- I asked first.

He huffed.

- None of your business. - I raised an eyebrow.

- Rude.

- Alright, I was looking for some drinks.

- Couldn't you ask someone to bring you something?

- Well, Logan and Liam's parents don't let me drink. My parents forbid me. - I laugh. That's pathetic. He looks at me a little bit insulted.

- I'm sorry. Your parents forbid you to drink, and then you go to the storage to find something for you? What are you? Alcohollic?

He doesn't say anything. I guess I hit something.

- Wanna join us?

- What? - Why would he invite me to eat with them?  They probably want to eat by themselves, no?

- Do you want to join us?

- I heard you, I just don't understand why you said that.

- Well, you look like you're alone, so I'm inviting you to eat with us.

- I look like I'm alone?

- If you were with someone you probably wouldn't be cussing doors that don't open, plus you kind of said it before.

I narrow my eyes.

- Sure, I'll eat with you. - He smiles. Suddenly, I have an idea. - So, you look like your hands are empty.

- Didn't have much luck finding the storage.

- I can offer you a bargain.

- What kind of bargain? - I bite my lip. He looks very interested now.

- If I help you to get some drinks... you owe me a favor.

He stares at me. He looks like he is thinking.

- What kind of favor?

- I'll tell you when I need it.

- That's risky, you know? You could ask anything and I would have to obey. - He narrows his eyes.

- That's the fun of it. - I smile.

He leans closer.

- Do you like that I'll have to obey you? Do you want to make me your pet?

I grin.

- It's a bargain. I help you, you help me.

He stares into my eyes.

- Let's set some boundaries. You won't make me break any law, firstly. And it can't involve any other person except me and you.

- Deal. Funny that you think I would make you break a law.

- I need to prevent myself. You never know, right? - He holds my waist. - Let's get some drinks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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