Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I might be a witch, but I need to give the muggles some credit. I can do magic, but they can make some pretty magical things. I put on my earphones and turn the music on. Mount Everest by Labirinth starts playing.

I know the walk will be pretty long, since I can't apparate yet. I am - or was - the best witch in Durmstrang, but for some unknown reason to me, I just can't apparate. It annoys me more than anything.

I sigh. And start my little journey.


I arrive at Privet Drive two hours later, sweating, starving and thirsty as fuck. I need to learn how to apparate.

I look for Potter's house. It's the Dursley's house actually, since the Potters couldn't keep themselves alive after all the sacrifices others made for them. Based on how many people died because of them, they should at least have survived. So weak. So path-

I stop in front of a boring looking house. Found it, I think.

I sigh. How am I going in?

I could pretend I am a muggle that fixes things. But if they don't have anything to fix they won't let me in anyway. And if they have anything to fix, I won't know what to do. Worst thing is, I only have one shot. They'll recognize my face if I try again.

Whatever. I'm a witch.

I knock on the door. A woman with a severe looking face opens. She looks me up and down and raises an eyebrow.

- How can I help y-

- Imperio. - Ugh, so easy. - Are you alone?

She nods.

- Where's Harry's room?

- Right this way, miss.

She leads me upstairs. I thought the house was boring on the outside, but the inside was even worse. I want to throw up. The woman stops in front of a door. I open it.

It's a pretty dull room. No surprise, considering the rest of the house. I scoff. A wardrobe with some clothes, a bed, a cage. Probably an owl cage. There's a nightstand with a picture of a couple. I walk towards it.

Lily and James...

Lily and James.

Lily and James.

Lily and James.


The boy who lived.


It's definitely Harry's room. I turn around and walk towards his wardrobe. Mostly ugh colors. There are red Gryffindor quidditch robes, and some other Gryffindor themed clothes. Useless.

I open his nightstand. There's a book. No, not a book. I open it. It's a photo album. The Potters. Lily and James smiling, Lily and James dancing, Lily and James drinking coffee. And Harry, Hermione and Ron. Harry, Hermione and Ron hugging. I close it and put it back exactly the way I found it.

Useless. This is useless. Useless.

How did he survive? It was the killing curse. Voldemort died instead. No. He lost his powers. How? Lily died. James died. All the Potters should have lived. But they died. Lily and James died. Harry lived. How?




I scream in frustration.

I take the photo album again. I search through every single picture. There's one picture where Lily and James are holding baby Harry. I guess that's their house in Godric's Hollow. Probably before they died, I don't know.

I narrow my eyes. There's the tip of a paper sticking behind the photo. I take it.

The power of love.

The power of love. What's that supposed to
mean? Interesting.

I put everything back exactly the way I took it. No need to make Harry think someone was there. I walk towards the front door and break the spell I used on that woman.

- What? Who are you?

I smile.

- Obliviate.


After walking all the way back to the Leaky Cauldron, I stop in front of the front door.
If I enter they'll know that I wasn't in my room.

I look for a window with an empty room. There's a door that is probably used by the employees on the side. I try to open it. It's locked. I roll my eyes.

- Alohomora.

I open the door and walk in. It's the kitchen. There are at least ten people. And are all staring at me. Come on.

I smile in an akward way and I close the door behind me.

- Where's the bathroom? - I know, weak trick, but what else could I do? I panicked, alright?

- You're not supposed to be here, missy. - A man with a hostile face said.

- I really need to... pee, you know?

He starts walking towards me. He's really tall. And doesn't look like he liked me.

- I need to ask you to leave. Now.

- Alright, I'm sorry. - I take my wand out. - Tarantallegra.

The spell worked, of course. The whole crew starts to tap dance. I laugh.

Oh, this is so good.

Weird spell, but pretty effective. They look at me with wide eyes. They look really mad, but they can't do anything but keep dancing. I consider this a rather evil spell, considering that they won't stop dancing until someone ends it. It doesn't matter how tired they are.

I walk towards the door that leads to the Leaky Cauldron. I open it and turn to them.

- Bye, bitches - I smile smugly. Lunch will take some extra time to get ready. - Obliviate. - I closed the door behind me. There was a dark hallway with many doors. I know I should walk to my room as fast as I could, but get to know where I'm staying can be very useful. Plus, I'm just curious.

I walk towards the first door, on the left, and try to hear what's inside. I don't hear anything. I try to open the door, but, well, it's locked.

- Alohomora. - I try to open it again. It doesn't. - Alohomora. - The door doesn't open. - Argh. Fuck you.

- Watch your mouth. - I almost pissed myself. My heart starts beating really fast.

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