
Beginne am Anfang

others standing on the ground with their weapons out and point towards every single neon green blur in the dimmed sky.

you wounding even exactly tell what was going, all your eyes could see was blurs moving in very fast motions. your eyes were incapable of catching glimpses of what they look like.

until one looked at you. they slowed down to face you, stopping the hovering board in front of you.

they started you your eyes for a good second, before hearing a deeper toned male voice coming from the masked person, "time to leave".

as those words came out, you watched as all the green blues disappeared at a quickened pace. they were gone in a blink of an eye, leaving the weakened people left on the ground injured.

saylum and tete ran out of the doors behind you, while you stood in place still in shock from what happened.

as saylum and tete grabbed the wounded people from the ground below you, you slowly snapped out of your trans and went off to help the two.

you brought the injured people into the bar, four to be exact, and you ran off to get all the first aid supplies you could find.

"is that all we have now ?? are you serious ?!" saylum yelled.

"yes that's all we got dip shit. unless you wanna go out and look for some more yourself" tete replied back, giving major counts of attitude.

"can you just shut the fuck up tete" saylum replied back.

you already knew that a fight was gonna break out if you didn't just shut them both up right now.

"oh my god saylum, you always gotta say something back don't you"

"yes because your bitch ass always starts the sh-" you stopped saylum from making this argument more physical ways.

"can y'all both shut the fuck up so we can wrap these peoples wounds" you said while grabbing
a cloth and some alcohol.

"yeah yeah ok." you heard tete say.

"and i can call that partner of mine to send a shipment of more first aid supplies. we can grab it tomorrow at the docs"

"mhm" saylum hummed.

you grabbed the cloth and the alcohol, you poured a decent amount of the alcohol onto the cloth. you took the cloth and placed it on the women's wounds.

you dabbed the cloth on her arms and legs as well as her chest and stomach.

she seemed to have a good amount of wounds all of her from all the green blurs in the sky.

you reached over grabbing a wrap from the pile of utensils. putting a from of lube around all her wounds before wrapping the wound with a wrap.

saylum, tete and you did this to the other 3 people before helping them down and bring them to the unground rooms for them to rest for a while.

"hey ill be back in a sec, i gotta talk to my partner" you said while speaking to tete.


you walked off into your office room. you rolled out your chair, sitting down into it before rolling it back underneath the desk.

you grabbed your paper and a pin, while starting to write down words and sentences reading,

'hello dear partner, i would like you to do me a favor. if you would ship some form of first aid supplies to the docs, it would be of great appreciation. just remember you do owe me something for what i just did the other day'

you finished writing and signed your name at the bottom. you rolled up the paper, while making it look presentable to your partner.

you walked back into your bar area and yelled out, "who ever delivers this will wind up with 100 in coins" you said while holding up the rolled up paper.
(I forgot what the currency is called)

"ill do it" one young man said.

"ok, thanks. if you don't do it.. all hell will break loose so don't try it ok ? ok."

"understood ma'am"

he took the letter before running out the door and going off to deliver the note to the address written on it.

"well I guess we got to go to the docs tomorrow, be ready"

"yes ma'am" you heard a group say.

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— 𝖺𝗎𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗋𝗌 𝗇𝗈𝗍𝖾𝗌 —

thank you for reading :)) chapter two will be out soon i promise. i hope you enjoyed and have a great morning/day/afternoon/night where ever you are.
drink water, eat and i love you.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jun 22, 2022 ⏰

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