The mood in the room immediately changed, causing Hyde to give Kelso a look. Kelso didn't want to deal with this and it clearly showed, "I forgot, babe, I'm sorry it's just, uh— Forman was making us clean the basement!"

"Huh? Kelso, you haven't cleaned a thing in your life, what makes you think-" Eric voiced, but Donna hit his arm, shutting him up immediately with a loud cry.

"I don't care if you had to scrub the toilet with a toothbrush, Michael! You forgot to come get me and I had to get a ride home with Jennifer Collins!" She ranted, "Jennifer-freaking-Collins, and now when I go to school tomorrow I'll be the laughing stock in the whole cheer squad."

"Who's Jennifer Collins?" You could hear Christina whisper to Hyde, who only shrugged and continued to shuffle a deck of cards.

"Some girl Kelso probably shagged too," Hyde retorted, but dismissed the situation happening soon after, "So are we still playing Poker or what?"

"Are you going to play with us, Jackie?" Christina asked, and Jackie kissed her teeth and gave a smug smile.

"Sure," She obnoxiously scooted her chair closer to the table as everyone gathered around, "Why not?"

Hyde finished shuffling the cards and began the game, making himself the dealer. He looked over to his right at Christina and nudged her lightly, "Are you any good at this game?"

Christina only smirked and looked at the group, "Are we making any wagers?"

"My kind of girl," Kelso grinned, absentmindedly plopping down next to Jackie, who was burning a hole in the back of his head with her glare.

Music played lowly as they played, and occasionally laughs were shared every time one of them would have to toss in more money from losing. Everyone was surprised that Christina was winning at the game, but Jackie only became more annoyed.

"Straight flush, baby, cough it up," Christina happily placed down her cards and everyone groaned as they handed her another dollar.

"You're way too good at this game, I might have make you my sidekick," Hyde chuckled, and she smiled, though she couldn't help but hear Jackie kiss her teeth again.

She furrowed her brows and turned towards the brunette, "Jackie, are you mad at me or something?" Christina asked, feeling everyone's eyes on her as they sat around the table. Jackie rolled her eyes and place down her cards.

"I just feel bad for you, is all," Jackie shrugged, not easing Christina's confused expression, "It's just, you know, despite that bet the boys made about you, you still play oblivious to it."

Christina sat quietly, but parted her lips slightly as she processed Jackie's words, "What- what are you talking about?" Her eyes then fixated on Hyde, "What bet?"

"It's nothing, just a stupid thing Kelso and I made," Hyde tried to calmly dismissed, hoping Jackie wouldn't speak, yet she graciously did.

"Wow, Chrissy, you don't know about this one? It's where they bet who can hook up with you first," She proudly spoke, watching Christina's face turn from confusion to sadness.

Christina looked around as everyone now avoid her eyes, but she couldn't help it as she tried to get Hyde to look at her, "Steven?"

"The bet didn't really go like that, and Jackie wasn't even there when we made the stupid bet so I don't know how she even knows about it." Hyde tried to explain, though the situation just worsened for Christina.

"Who knows?" She quietly asked, feeling herself become the joke of this conversation. She noticed the gang not speaking, causing her to think that they all knew.

"Michael told me, and because of this bet she's all he thinks about!" Jackie snapped at Hyde, having him roll his eyes and rub his forehead.

"What the hell, Jackie?" Kelso groaned, "Are you doing all of this because you're pissed at me because I told you about the bet being a secret for a reason?"

"She needs to know the real reason you guys are even talking to her," Jackie seethed, "She needs to know all those moments you both shared with her were all about yourselves and the damn bet."

Christina stood up from her seat, but Hyde was quick to grab her hand, "Please, Chris, don't go. Just hear-"

"I'm going to head home, Steven," She mumbled, retracting her hand, "Goodnight." She stepped over Donna's legs and hurried out of the basement, letting the door slam behind her.

"That's just great, Jackie," Hyde huffed out as he stood and began walking up Forman's stair, "Thanks a lot."

"Your welcome!" She sarcastically responded, not caring how anyone felt about her in that moment. She was sure of herself that Christina had to know about it, though- or at least she was hoping so.

(a/n: I'm trying to get back into writing so I thought this would be a good start, hope you enjoyed it<3)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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