Goodbye, Hometown

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"That good for nothing kid is outside again" My mom shouted to my stepfather.

I smiled as i felt a wave of relief wash over me.

I ran down the stairs, looking over at my stepfather and mother on the couch, i rolled my eyes as i made my way to the door, opening it.

"Where the hell do you think you're going, Lorie?" My mother asked.

"To see "that good for nothing kid" outside mom" i said.

I smiled to see Will outside with a duffel bag beside him with his pink leather jacket on, light ripped jeans, and some ginger hair in his face.

"Will!" i screeched jumping into his chest.

I felt him lightly chuckle as he wrapped his arms around my waist and put his chin on my shoulder, he held me firmly, as if someone were to take me away from him. It worried me, something must've happened.

I pulled away holding onto both of his arms.

"Whats wrong" I asked him, in a knowing tone.

"What do you mean, nothings wrong" he said, almost too believably.

"Will" I said raising an eyebrow.

He rolled his eyes with a smile.

"Seriously Lor, nothing" He said once again.

Why is he lying?

He rubbed my cheek as he began to speak again "If there was something going on, I would tell you" he then pushed hair behind my ear.

"But, now, you aren't" I said, I could tell my tone sounded irritated and Will even noticed.

"Look, Lor, baby i'm ok, ok? Everything is fine, I promise" He said looking into my eyes.

But again, I knew he was lying.

"You're such a bad liar" I stressed.

I just wanted him to tell me. He's my best friend. I know there is something up, but he wouldn't say.

I watched him look down as he choked back a laugh.

"Fine" He sighed "I'll tell you, you deserve to know" He said sitting down on the front step.

I sat down next to him as we held hands.

"So, it happened again, thats nothing new" He began, i nodded, I felt bad for him.

"But" He stopped.

I looked at him, I caressed a line down his cheek to the start of his jawline, a gesture to calm him down as i watched him relax.

"Just tell me" I said sympathetically.

"I'm running away" He said "And I came here because I want you to come with me" He said squeezing my hands.

I looked at him in total shock, not knowing what to say, it's not that i didn't want to, i was scared, young, and had no money.

"Will" I whispered "I-I don't know" I looked down.

I felt him lift my chin up "You don't have to, Lor, but I would rather you come with me, i'll never know what'll happen to you here, fuck that, i'll probably never see you again" He said softly in despair.

I looked up into his eyes "Will" I said.

"I'll go, if it means i'll be with you" I smiled.

I watched him smile big as we hugged, tightly.

I traced a piece of his hair with my finger to the end as I felt his heartbeat on my chest.

"I'll go get a few things and say goodbye to my sisters" I said as we released the hug.

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