8 | OC graveyard tag

Start from the beginning

Then Jason Blossom is killed and his sister Cheryl had seen him lurking near the riverbank. Just when he'd been trying to make an improvement, he becomes a murder suspect.

Literally nothing changes but I wrote this back when Riverdale had just premiered and was actually good. Then it went into the dumps and now this plot is up in my shop!


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Book: Welcoming the Cold
Created: 2012
Fandom: Rise of the Guardians
Love Interest: Autumn Moore (kinda)
Faceclaim: Alex Pettyfer (specifically as he was in the movie Beastly)
OCs Who Contain Pieces of Him: Asher

HOW CUPID WAS ORIGINALLY:Cupid's backstory isn't very concrete

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Cupid's backstory isn't very concrete. Nobody knows how he died, nor is it ever questioned. He mainly serves the purposes of comedic relief and some romantic tension between Autumn and Jack. Though Jack constantly assumes he knows the best option for Autumn because of their history, Cupid often offers new perspectives.

Cupid, also called "Coop" by some of the characters, is like the traditional depiction of his namesake in the sense that he has wings, a bow and arrow, and deals with love. However, the arrows can be insanely deadly and he has the personality of a preening peacock, which makes people reluctant to handle him.

How about a little tragic backstory for some ✨spice✨? All of the immortals/Guardians were made so because they died saving someone. In Cupid's case, he died in Ancient Greece while protecting his lover. Having died for love, he became the icon for it, tasked with trekking across the globe to set people on the path to romantic or platonic affection. But he'd never find it himself.

Cupid is also hella pansexual. Like, a RAGING gay. He keeps his snarky and sarcastic personality, but he's also deeply caring. Though he may seem envious of Jack and Autumn's relationship as things turn romantic between them, it's merely because it's something he'll never be able to experience again.

The end would clarify that Cupid finds happiness by surrounding himself with platonic love— his newfound friends who bring a sense of fullness to his life.

An ongoing gag in the book was Cupid's nicknames for Jack that he used to annoy him. Here they are in all of their glory:

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