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shay was getting ready at her desk as i sat on her sofa scrolling through tiktok on my phone. we both had an interview in los angeles today at 3 pm and it was 10 am, we had a 2 and a half minute drive to get to the place.

i honestly wasn't the best at interviews. i hated them, and shay knew that. she always tried to get me not in them, but sometimes she had no control. she apologized like 100 times about this interview in the days leading up to it. i wasn't mad at her, i wasn't even focusing on her, or anything, i was just trying to calm myself down for the past few days.

i first realized i suck at talking to people when i had to debate in school, i was the only one actually talking in a silent room and i couldn't make eye contact, couldn't remember what i was going to say, couldn't stop fidgeting and couldn't stay still.

honestly, it was embarrassing. my teacher just sat there nodding her head at me. i'm so thankful that people don't pay attention or care what you have to say, because nobody remembered it.

shay was finally done getting ready and she came and sat next to me, putting her arm around me.

"ready?" she asked.

i shook my head which caused her to chuckle.

"let's go." she said.

the only way i'd ever leave this house is if shay forced me to, and she knows that. she got up and grabbed my hand, pulling me from her sofa. she grabbed my bag from next to me and pulled me with her to the car. i sat down in the back seat silently. she sat next to me, before her mom got in the car and started driving.

"so, you girls ready?" shay's mom asked.

"i am." shay said.

i was silent, too focused on my breathing. i was trying to distract myself from the future events that were about to unfold in just a couple of hours.

shay chuckled, "and y/n is just contemplating life."

my eyes were widened and my teeth were trapped between my lips, i paid no attention to the conversation going on around me.

with a small nudge, i was back to normal.

"finally." shay said.

"oops." i chuckled.

shay pulled my head into her lap and i sighed, rubbing my eyes with my hands. her fingers traced words into my arm as we listened to the radio. soon, i realized it was going to be just fine after all.

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